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Dog Pants
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Post by Dog Pants »

Notch is really picking up the pace. Aside from everything already mentioned, the game now randomly generates treasure rooms with weirdness in them, including (apparently) saddles you can use to ride pigs. Apparently helmets with torches on are in the game but can't be crafted yet, monsters sometimes go mental and attack each other, and random waterfalls can be found (I've seen these).
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Post by shot2bits »

yeah i saw a post about half an hour ago on his blog about a secret update

did mp get implemented into infdev? or is he holding off untill the performance stuff is sorted
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Post by Dog Pants »

No MP yet. He's getting a few other things in and working on it inbetween. Apparently it's proving pretty difficult, but he's confident it'll get done eventually.

MP could be great, with some players mining for material, others out chopping wood/beating up gribblies/foraging, and others building the place up. I hope eventually he puts in larger threats so there's a need to build a nice set of defences.
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Post by shot2bits »

well i remember the other day reading on the site somewhere about a zombie apocolypse mode where you build fortifications by day and then got attacked at night which sounded like it could be great in mp

Edit: ive just bought this, any sites for info on how to do shit in infdev?
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Post by shot2bits »

after playing infdev for 10 minutes, i fear the day this game is released.

or just the day indev stuff goes mp
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Post by friznit »

The day MP goes live, zombie apocalypse will be the least of our worries.
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Post by Dog Pants »

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Post by shot2bits »

thats incredibly handy, id figured out how to make tools out of wood, and then spent about 2 hours trying to make ladders/doors and failing for what seemed like do reason, then i realised i was played indev, not infdev...

but the other problem was figuring out which of those grey blocks i needed to mine to get something useful for crafting as the places i looked wherent too handy in that department
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Post by Dog Pants »

For whatever reason, in this version of infdev I'm finding little clumps of ore rather then veins. Coal's fairly plentiful (which is good because you use plenty for torches), but I'm finding iron to be fairly scarce - just enough to keep me in picks - and I've found maybe half a dozen gold and a couple of diamond.
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Post by Grimmie »

I can't wait for this to go multiplayer so people can explain WTF is going on.
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Post by shot2bits »

with mining for ore do you need to use a pickaxe to get anything out of the blocks? or can you do it with your bare hands and still get stuff?
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Post by Dog Pants »

You need a pick, made from at least stone. Otherwise it just gets destroyed (or at least it used to, not tried recently). Also worth noting; when you're in a cave mining ore out of the ceiling try to do it at an angle. With water/lava springs and gravel veins now found underground you could find yourself buried.
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Post by shot2bits »

Dog Pants wrote:You need a pick, made from at least stone. Otherwise it just gets destroyed (or at least it used to, not tried recently). Also worth noting; when you're in a cave mining ore out of the ceiling try to do it at an angle. With water/lava springs and gravel veins now found underground you could find yourself buried.
yeah after i posted i noticed on that site you linked the pickaxes and whatnot where different materials for different things in order to get the drops, i notice what you mean about the iron, ive only found one tiny clump of 6 iron blocks, 3 of which i destroyed with my hands and cant find anymore
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Post by Dog Pants »

Similarly, watch for holes. They might have lava under them. You might lose the dozen or so gold you found in the huge cave comlpex :cry:
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Post by shot2bits »

the terrain generator for infdev is awesome, lots of crazy floating islands. and quite often they seem to resemble animals
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Post by Dog Pants »

You're not seeing flying pigs are you?

Actually, rumour has it a bug can cause pig-volcanoes. Not sure if that's true though.
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Post by spoodie »

Grimmie wrote:I can't wait for this to go multiplayer so people can explain WTF is going on.

I did quite badly trying this on my own. So working with (or hindering) others would get me back playing this again.
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Post by shot2bits »

Dog Pants wrote: Actually, rumour has it a bug can cause pig-volcanoes. Not sure if that's true though.
would that be a giant pig that spews lava? or a volcano that spews pigs? im not sure what would be more distressing
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Post by Dog Pants »

The monsters are quite tough, and resources aren't plentiful. On top of that, if you're used to playing build mode with infinite blocks you'll be getting frustrated if your grand design is scuppered because you ran out of stone before the foundations were even laid.

Once you get the hang of things, though, it gets easier. Some tips (I've probably put them elsewhere, but I'll go through them here);

Starting out
Your first day should be dedicated to finding a place to bed down. You really want to have somewhere before nightfall, even if it's just a hole in a cliff walled up with dirt. Bash down any trees nearby when you start, two or three should be enough to get you started. Your starting area isn't hugely important since you'll be mining deep below the surface anyway, but finding somewhere easy to wall off and with an open stone cliff face will give you a decent start. If you can find nearby open caves then all the better, it'll save you digging. Things to bear in mind when establishing your starting outpost; caves can spawn monsters, and having cliffs above you can leave them falling on your head.

Once you're walled in for the night you can start setting up camp. Brealk your logs down into planks and build a workbench. If you've plenty of wood you can build a storage chest too. Use the rest of the planks to make woden rods. If you've stone handy without going outside build yourself a single wooden pick and use it to start digging into the stone. You'll probably not find much of interest right away, and a wooden pick won't dig out iron and above anyway, but it gives you a bit more safe space and more importantly you get stone. Use the stone to build stone picks as soon as possible, they're pretty decent and easy to make. For the rest of the night dig out stone and any ore you're lucky enough to find.

When day comes again, get outside and see if the monsters left you any presents. They might not have noticed you, but if you're lucky the sun will have killed a zombie or skeleton. Pick up some more wood, have a bit of a scout around for easily accessible ore veins in cliffs. You'll probably not see much more you didn't already know about, so don't waste too much time. use some of your stone to start making your defences a bit more solid. It's not essential, but an exploding creeper will make a much smaller hole in a stone wall than a dirt one. Also, if you find sheep while you're outside give them a slap and collect their wool to make light armour. Kill pigs for bacon if you must, but you're unlikely to have the facilities to cook or store them at the moment.

Once you can get on with life safely at night you can get on with the business of surviving. I seem to spend my time alternating between mining for ore or spelunking if I'm lucky enough to find a cave, and using all the stone I've collected to build a castle. Having a castle doesn't just have aesthetic value. By building a tower you can stick torches on top as a beacon for if you go wandering. It's surprising how far away you can see them from. Later on having a walled off courtyard free from monsters is useful for farming, but more on that later. Build a furnace at some point, if only to start chucking coal into.
Mine however you like. Coal veins are fairly large (about 5 blocks), the others will just be a patch of 2 or 3. Finding a cave should reveal some open veins, obviously the bigger the cave the more ore to be found.

Monsters spawn in dark places. When that's night time outside there's not a lot can be done, but when encountering new caves start filling them with torches to stop things spawning there.
Zombies and skeletons burst into flame in sunlight, spiders turn docile.
Most monsters can jump. Make those walls high.
All monsters but spiders are two blocks high. By putting the inside of your wall a block below ground level and then having a 'floating' wall one block above ground level you're left with a gap through which you can attack their feet with relative impunity. Spiders can slip through though.
As far as I know, monsters can't climb ladders. They can open doors though.
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Post by Dog Pants »

shot2bits wrote:would that be a giant pig that spews lava? or a volcano that spews pigs? im not sure what would be more distressing
A volcano that spews pigs.
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