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Consolidated Arms Fabrication

CAF will be in production for a very long time. With the civilian market crying out for home defence weapons and personal hand guns, CAF have rather a large market which will always be there. Sales and profits for these cheap, easily manufactured weapons will steadily increase as long as the population expands at its current rate.

CAF 17 Slammer

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost

CAF Screaming Eagle AR

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost
20 5mm 2 4 15m 300u

CAF P50 Steel Death

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost
8 5mm 1 2 10m 150u

CAF R7 Wild Boar

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost
6 5mm 1 5 45m 400u

CAF Cold Shadow SMG

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost
30 5mm 3 5 10m 250u