Berk Burgers 3

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photoset (using foil, rather than clingfilm)

The mince should be red or pink, any brown/blue/greyness mean that the mince is a bit old, use it for spag bol, not burgers.

There's a fucking million ways to make burgers, and people will disagree with it, but it works pretty well.

Normally i'd put the meat on parchment or greaseproof paper, and use clingfilm on top to roll it out.

If you can find a nice sized tin to roll out in, you'll get burgers that're better packed and more even.


  • 500g cow mince
  • 1/2tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2tsp onion powder
  • 1/2tsp ground pepper


Apply mince to clingfilm, fold clingfilm over mince, roll (using a roling pin) until 1/2" (12mm) thick.

Peel back clingfilm add all the seasonings, use the clingfilm to fold the mince in half, then roll out to the same size again.

Use pizza cutter or knife to cut the meat into squares (you'll get 4-6 from 1lb of meat)

Apply square of meat to fryingpan on medium-high.

cook for 1-3 minutes per side. *DO NOT SQUASH THE BURGERS* it may make them sizzle, but that's all the moisture and flavour. *BAD*

once cooked to your preference, add to a burger bun (mayo is good on the bread)

also add any other stuff you like.
