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Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 25th, 2011, 9:22
by Dog Pants
It's Christmas Day. I got lots of booze and books. How are all you bummers? What did Santa bring you?

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 25th, 2011, 9:39
by Joose
Woo! Chrimblemas for everyone!

So far, I've opened nothing, as I'm at the parentals and we don't open anything till after church. Distressing.

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 25th, 2011, 9:45
by Mr. Johnson
Christmas Werd!

I got some magnetic balls (no homo), a lego dude (sort of a joke gift but I loved it anyway), some slippers that are too small so now I have to get new ones, and a lovely giant mousepad with a diablo III barbarian on it which I got from my mum. My mum knows I like big bearded men, I guess.
Oh and a book about whiskey so I can get my whiskey boner on.

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 25th, 2011, 9:48
by Dog Pants
Or knows you are a big bearded man.

Mrs Pants set the timer on the bread maker last night so we had the lovely smell when we got up. I'm now eating spicy pickled onions which have turned out to be hot as the sun.

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 25th, 2011, 10:40
by friznit
I got woken up at six with a cup of coffee and told it was time to feed the horses. I love Christmas!

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 25th, 2011, 11:14
by Roman Totale
Merry homos, Christmas!

I got a book, a DVD, some coasters and a selection of foods. Today I shall be spending as brief a period of time as I can with the parentals.

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 25th, 2011, 13:35
by Sol
I got the traditional christmas gift of a Cornelius Pressure keg and some hops.

I also enjoy singing along to the tradition christmas music


Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 25th, 2011, 13:37
by Dog Pants
On a musical note (ahem), I got enough 80s music to spawn a third volume of Radio Free Dog Pants for the car. This one has the Safety Dance on it.

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 25th, 2011, 14:06
by shot2bits
I dont really celebrate christmas but happy holidays none the less, i do get days of i can spend playing games though which i cant complain about.

On an slightly related note to that is anyone interested in doing some portal 2 co-op today or tommorow? i tried playing with randoms but its just painfull

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 25th, 2011, 19:22
by fabyak
I'd love to but only have access to my craptop and even Minecraft makes that cry

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 25th, 2011, 20:50
by Dog Pants
Holy shit, as if Christmas wasn't scary enough being bombarded by artillery, you got Michael Myers' impression of Santa visiting you on the front lines in Nazi Germany.

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 26th, 2011, 0:07
by eRabbit
Santa in the form of buzz got me a self stirring mug, which is incredible and has changed the way I live.

Hope you all had a cracking day bummers!

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 26th, 2011, 0:31
by Grimmie
Whiskey, chocolate and lots of books.

Also the Maru book. Aaawwwww.

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 26th, 2011, 0:55
by Roman Totale
Grimmie wrote:Also the Maru book. Aaawwwww.


Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 26th, 2011, 1:11
by FatherJack
Whisky, cheese and lots of books.

Are we predictably easy to buy for?

Even though everyone knows I play games, people hardly ever buy them me - apart from the imagined minefield of getting them for the right system (not actually a problem as I have all of them) they worry that they would either be sucky ones, or I'd have them already - which is fair enough.

My Mum did make what she called 'a minor faux pas' with the books, first buying a trilogy I already owned (and had told her about) then after taking them back and buying from a list where I'd specifically detailed what I owned/wanted still managed to get me one I'd already got, because the 'list was confusing'. I think that might go beyond 'faux pas'. To her immense credit though, she's still game to play the dotty old woman and take it back again - that is unless she's planning to play her trump card of making my Dad do it, who will do his 'it's all your fault for having such confusingly similar covers not like in the old days, how about that Microsoft Office 2010 I don't know where anything is' routine.

Much as I love them, I'm looking forward to a bit of unfamily time for a day or two.

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 26th, 2011, 9:28
by Dog Pants
Nice to see whisky popular this year. Nobody ever buys me games either, probably for similar reasons, but also because there's no way for them to know what I have. In the past, though, I've asked for specific games and not got them. I suspect it's seen by my mum as 'feeding my habit' (although whatever my favourite pastime is at any given point in my life has been an unhealthy habit, until I stop doing it again). So asking for games only ends in disappointment and me having to go out and buy them weeks or months later than I would have normally.

In fact, my parents have a habit of telling me to wait for my birthday if I ask for something for Christmas. I once asked for golf clubs - I'd been playing regularly for a few months and kept having to hire clubs. A cheap set was about £100, so I figured it was worth it. Not only did they make me wait until my birthday (I also wasn't allowed to buy my own, because they were buying them for me), just to make sure I stuck at it, but to add insult they got my dad a set for Christmas. My dad who had never swung a club in his life at that point, and still has never used them. I made a point of buying him golf stuff for the next few birthdays and Christmases for that.

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 26th, 2011, 9:49
by Dog Pants
Also, I did a blog article about the illusion of choice in games the other day if anyone fancies a read:

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 26th, 2011, 13:02
by shot2bits
Dog Pants wrote:Also, I did a blog article about the illusion of choice in games the other day if anyone fancies a read:
Thats a good read pants, quite thought provoking and touches on alot of the issues i have with game design routines used by the big developers, thankfully though we are in the rise of the indy dev who have the capacity to break the trends and it seems as if the big boys might be starting to take notes, we can only hope their shareholders are too.

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 26th, 2011, 14:59
by Mr. Johnson
This was actually the first year I asked for games, but because Mrs Johnson is a poor student and games here are ridiculously expensive (every time I hear someone complain about a 40 pound game it makes me want to shoot myself) I didn't get any. Maybe I should get richer friends, or not be the only one in my circle of close friends with a credit card.

Then again, those magnetic balls I got will probably keep me occupied for far longer than uncharted 3 would, for less than half the price.

Re: Happy birthday Santa!

Posted: December 26th, 2011, 17:13
by Dog Pants
Mr. Johnson wrote: Then again, those magnetic balls I got will probably keep me occupied for far longer than uncharted 3 would, for less than half the price.
However going through customs will be much trickier.