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Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: April 23rd, 2012, 21:16
by munchkin
tiny wrote:what's up guys? Did we pass something interesting?

Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: April 23rd, 2012, 23:41
by deject
Tiny, look behind us. The damn thing is gaining on us.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: April 24th, 2012, 19:52
by munchkin
tiny wrote:What damn thi................
looks in rearview miror and look of horror crosses face.
tiny wrote:Oh holy crapola. Wish I'd worn brown trousers today, I think it's the day for it!
tiny to muse wrote:Fraaaaaaank! any thoughts about that crazy piece of scary shit behind us? any thoughts re: points of weakness, best way to attack etc?

Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 25th, 2012, 15:28
by Joose
Ok, where were we? Ah yes, you lot were driving at high speed towards the airport, and a big flying nasty is bearing down on you. We are just about to have the first round of combat. Tiny is going to be concentrating on the driving for the moment, if she changes her mind she can make an initiative roll and join in then.

So, Barry goes first and takes his turn lining up his laser on the flier.
Next up is Edgar, who takes a shot. The Flier tries to swerve out of the way (it makes an attempt to dodge using half its fray, rounded down) but the shot hits dead centre regardless (it rolled a 56). The thick armour barely slows down the impact (It has armour 12, Edgars gun has an armour penetration of 9, so it only has an effective armour of 3) and a chunk of sparking machinery is knocked off (total of 22 damage after the excellent success and armour modifiers. That's unsurprisingly more than its Wound Threshold, so it gets a wound too. Hot damn!). The impact shakes it for a moment, but it keeps on coming (it makes a SOMx3 test to resist being knocked down from the wound, and rolls a 6. Phew!) Railguns are badass.

By the way, im showing the workings on the NPC to give you a view of what is going on from a rules perspective. In future games I would keep that stuff to myself, as it gives you some indication of the NPCs abilities that your characters wont have.

It isn't having a go this turn because I'm treating your unleashing bullets as a surprise attack, so its on to round two. The initiative order for this round is now:


Between last round and this it has managed to close the distance down to 250m.

Oh, I almost forgot: The Muses don't have a clue what it is, beyond Flying Probable Robot. Frank does point out that there are things that appear to be sensor clusters on a lump at the front, and that focussing fire on that area may blind it. In other words, shoot it in the face.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 25th, 2012, 20:54
by deject
250m is just in my laser pulser's extreme range so I guess I can take a shot.

Beam Weapons (40) + Aiming (30) - Wounded (10) - Extreme Range (30): 5, 9: 59 Failure!


Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 25th, 2012, 21:33
by Joose
Yep, that shot goes wide. The flier waves its various appendages at you but its still a bit too far out to reach you, so Edgar is up next.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 25th, 2012, 21:45
by Dog Pants

Kinetic weapons 60 + burst fire 10 - long range 20 = 50

6, 0: 60 Failure!

Bah, damn your enthusiasm Beardyroller.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 25th, 2012, 23:51
by Joose
Yep, that flies wide too. That was a quick round! On to three then.

Same order as last time, so Barry is up first. Flying nastiness has managed to get right up in your grill, and is now only 50m behind the car.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 26th, 2012, 23:10
by deject
Man, 50m is still medium range for my stupid laser pulser. I want to take some more time to aim, but I don't want to find out what happens if it catches up to us either. gah.

OK fine, I'll spend a quick action to aim and then fire again.

Beam Weapons (40) + Quick Aim (10) - Wounded (10) - Medium Range (-10): 0, 6: 6 Success!


Damage is 2d10, no AP: 2, 5 = 7

Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 13:36
by Joose
The laser hits it, but it barely notices (it only has half as much Energy armour as it does Kinetic, but that's still 6 points. With no AP, that takes deejs hit down from 7 to 1).

It spends another turn waving its mandibles menacingly.


Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 15:56
by Dog Pants
I'll start burst firing for damage.

Kinetic weapons 60 - short range 0 = 60

3, 3: 33 Critical! Success!


Damage: 2D10+8 +1D10 (burst)


Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 16:43
by Joose
The crit makes the attack armour defeating! Its super effective!

The cluster of shots hit the thing in the join between one of the wing-like rotors and the body, creating a shower of metallic chunks and sparks. It judders again, but keeps coming, spitting smoke and thick black oil.

Next round! Im guessing as the two of you are firing backwards from the car, one of you is poking out of a window on one side, and the other is poking out the other side? The flier comes in close now, right in to melee range with...Edgar! Because of the awkwardness of firing out of a window at something on the other side of a car (even though it is pretty large) I'm going to say that it is effectively in light cover from Barrys point of view, giving a -10 to hit.

So, still on the same combat order. Barry, then the flier, then Edgar.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 17:15
by Dog Pants
Eeep! Don't take my head, I need that!

Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 17:17
by deject
Well, that means that I've got the same numbers to shoot it then.

Beam Weapons (40) + Quick Aim (10) - Wounded (10) - Light Cover (-10): 5, 3: 53 Failure!


Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 17:39
by Joose
Yep, that's a miss.

It takes a swing at Edgar with a complex, multi-jointed arm, tipped with some sort of circular saw.

Again, I'll show all the working this time, but wouldn't normally:

Melee (55) - Wounded twice (20) + Reach Advantage (10): 0,9: Excellent Success! (+5 DV)

So you need to get under your Fray skill, but over my roll to dodge the attack. Im going to give you a -10 to your Fray, as dodging whilst partially hanging out a car window is less than optimal conditions.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 18:18
by Dog Pants
Fray 60 - 10 (car dodge) = 50

5, 5: 55 Critical! Failure!


Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 18:34
by deject
Oh dear. Alas poor Edgar, I didn't actually know him that well. :(

Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 18:49
by Joose
yikes. The rules dont actually specify what happens when someone critically fails a dodge, but as a critical success is "they dodge with flair, reach cover that protects from follow-up attacks, maneuver to a superior position, or otherwise benefit", im going to go with you getting yourself in a tangle whilst you dodge, so you'll take a -20 to your next turns actions. Presuming you are still alive/awake.

Right, so thats 1d10+6 for the saw, +5 from the excellent success. But I rolled a 1. :(

Thats a total of 12 DV before armour. You have 4 points of Kinetic armour, taking it down to 8 damage total. That's a wound, too, so you need to make a SOMx3 roll to stay upright (I wont give you the -20 for that roll though, its not really an action as such).

Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 18:52
by Dog Pants
SOM 15 x 3 = 45

3, 4: 34 Success!

Ow, my neck!

Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity

Posted: May 28th, 2012, 20:28
by Joose
You live! Mostly! Your go then.