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Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: March 24th, 2012, 7:53
by Dog Pants
Edgar, to TSD wrote:Shit, we're going the wrong way man. Turn round. Turn round!
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 3rd, 2012, 19:36
by munchkin
Tiny looks out of the window in the direction of Kurt's pointing. Having stopped panicking long enough to realise that there is something to see outside.
tiny wrote:Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Definitely with the turning round!! Opposite direction go time!
She seems oblivious to the trail of bodies, and continues to stare manically at the crazy sphere.
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 3rd, 2012, 22:40
by The Shutting Downs
180 the cab
Kurt Walker to his Muse wrote:Shelly, Sweetie, we got any more information on what's happening?
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 4th, 2012, 12:04
by Joose
Shelly wrote:Sorry honey, but the local feeds are still down. Let me check further afield...
There is a few seconds pause, then:
Shelly wrote:There is something! In the orbital feeds...people are leaving. Its an evacuation..of the whole planet!
You wont know the options as far as leaving a planet goes, but your characters will, so here goes:
1) By ship. None of you own one, as they are not exactly common commodities. Usually found at airports.
2) By Space Elevator. The only one on Earth is at Mount Kilimanjaro.
3) Farcasting. This is a process of uploading your mind into a digital form and transmitting it across the net to pretty much anywhere, with the intention of sticking it in another body at the other end. Obviously you leave your body behind, but your mind is the real "you".
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 4th, 2012, 12:32
by Dog Pants
Given the options, I'd rather go for the airport I think.
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 4th, 2012, 13:06
by The Shutting Downs
Kurt Walker to his Muse wrote:Okay, wher can we cast out near here?
***to the others***
I think it's our best route out, and quickest, if it's a full escape, they'll have to sort people out into new bodies after this.
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 5th, 2012, 13:25
by Joose
Doops, used the wrong term there. Its Egocasting we are talking about here, not Farcasting. Farcasting is an extremely long range communication thing. Anyway...
Shelly gives you the locations of a few Egocasting stations, the closest of which is opposite the Smithsonian American Arts Museum, which is only a couple of minutes drive away.
Dog Pants wrote:Given the options, I'd rather go for the airport I think.
The closest airport is Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, which is on the other side of the river, about 10-15mins away. Of course, that's *right next* to the Pentagon.
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 5th, 2012, 14:55
by Dog Pants
Edgar wrote:Whatever man, just get us the fuck out of here.
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 5th, 2012, 17:55
by The Shutting Downs
As Kurt is Driving he'll head to the Smithsonian, anyone wants to disagree, then we can play it out from there.
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 11th, 2012, 21:44
by munchkin
tiny to muse wrote:wake up tiger. Is there anywhere to cast from at the airport as far as you know?
tiny to everyone wrote: what if there's a problem at the casting station or a big queue? We'll have no time to then go to the airport instead. There might be somewhere to cast from at the airport if we go there first and those of us who are fond of our small but perfectly formed bods can hopefully get a chance to keep them!
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 11th, 2012, 22:30
by deject
Barry to Lana wrote:Lana. Lana. LAAAANNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Is there any information on the Egocasting station at the American Arts Smithsonian or Reagan International?
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 12th, 2012, 7:18
by The Shutting Downs
Kurt wrote:Look around, most people are still in whatever computer generated hellhole they have been put in by whatever is responsible for this, a queue is the least f our worries.
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 12th, 2012, 17:06
by Joose
I've done the rolls for the muses, results are:
Munchkin: Frank reports that there is indeed a casting station at the airport. It's computer system is responding, and says that the last use was less than 30mins ago (so since you woke up).
Deject: Lana tells you that the Smithsonian station is also responding, and was last used slightly over an hour ago.
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 13th, 2012, 20:40
by The Shutting Downs
Well, if you want to tell us when we reach the Smithsonian, yes I am still heading there.
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 14th, 2012, 19:08
by Joose
Ok, you arrive without issue. The casting station is actually just opposite the Smithsonian itself, in a smallish building on the corner of two roads. There's a small number of those nasty looking fellas like the two you killed earlier strewn around the street, and someone in a bulky robotic morph standing in the doorway with a similarly bulky carbine slung over one shoulder on a sling. He is leaning casually against the doorframe, watching you approach.
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 14th, 2012, 19:17
by The Shutting Downs
I'll drive up to where the Robo-Morph is standing (providing it's away from the nasty people), and place my hands in plain sight.
Kurt wrote:Hey there, know a place we can escape from around here?
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 15th, 2012, 9:34
by Joose
big robo guy wrote:Theres an egocaster right in here freind. I'm afraid the control system is a bit busted up, so I'll have to send you through manually. It's working fine other than that, I've sent 6 people through now, transmission to orbit confirmed for the lot.
He straightens up and offers his hand to shake.
Tex wrote:Names Jim, but people call me Tex.
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 15th, 2012, 13:07
by The Shutting Downs
Kurt wrote:I'm Kurt, these guys are Tiny, Barry and Edgar.
We'd be obliged if you could help us out Tex. How were you planning to get out?
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 15th, 2012, 13:14
by The Shutting Downs
Can I take a look at the console and see if it's repairable?
Re: Eclipse Phase: Terminal Velocity
Posted: April 15th, 2012, 13:42
by Joose

you can try, but none of you are egocasting tech specialists, so it would be like a regular person trying to repair the controls for a nuclear reactor. There's a good chance you would just make it worse.
Tex wrote:Nice to meet you. Don't worry about me, this old rig here has a Quantum Farcaster installed. One thought from me and I wake up near Jupiter.
He taps at the side of his head as he talks.
Tex wrote:I can get you out of here, no problem. It's gonna cost you, of course. I'm sure you will agree the price is more than reasonable.