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Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 8th, 2011, 19:37
by Anery
Fairy muff, I will sit down and see if I can create a model to build on. We can modify the existing build no worries burt I will have to bow to others knowlege of the mall. Anyone got a rough floor plan?

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 8th, 2011, 19:49
by Dog Pants
I think I'm going to have to get the DVD out and grab a few iconic screenshots. The rest we can make up from that, as long as it feels thematically right. The Monroevill Mall is the real life location where it was filmed, but I wouldn't use that as a replica as inevitably they'll have altered it. So I doubt there's any floor plans as the place is pretty much entirely fictional.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 8th, 2011, 19:52
by Mr. Johnson
There's plans on their website apparently, if that helps.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 8th, 2011, 19:57
by Dog Pants
I was going to say it was only filmed in the mall, not based on it, but this image would suggest that in fact the set was designed around a map of the mall too. So you're right, we have a floorplan. Yay!

I'm still getting screen grabs though.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 8th, 2011, 22:34
by Dog Pants
Okay, I have about a dozen screenshots of locations from the film. I'll go through them and post them up tomorrow night.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 8th, 2011, 23:28
by Dr. kitteny berk
As an amusing sidenote, I made my way over to the mall and had a little dig, found an ancient burialground abandoned mine.

Stuck some fence up around the hole (go down it, follow torches, go left at gravel in cave)

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 15:46
by Anery
Oh god, I can see the rest of my life melting in front of me... ... unner.aspx

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 16:23
by Joose
funnily enough, I stumbled across that earlier today, and I've given it a go. At the moment its a bit like what minecraft *used* to be: fun for a piss about building things, but quickly gets old. That's largely due to the fact that it is currently pretty early on in development, and a bunch of the planned features are not there yet. Still, bolting blocks into funny shapes, sticking thrusters and guns on, then blowing things up for no particular reason is pretty entertaining in itself. Once they have implemented the stuff so that you actually have to wire your ship together to make it work, I can see me spending waaaaay too much time on it.

In short, its got a hell of a lot of potential, but its not quite there yet.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 17:31
by buzzmong
RPS made me aware of that a while ago, I didn't post it due to the issues over the payment structure. Basically, you have to keep rebuying the game at major updates. It might have changed as that was a few months back.

Edit: Ah yes, it has. Good, it was silly.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 18:35
by spoodie
buzzmong wrote:I didn't post it due to the issues over the payment structure. Basically, you have to keep rebuying the game at major updates.
When I tried it a few weeks ago I thought it was that you only got an older version to download for free, but if you paid you got the most recent and future releases. I could well have interpreted that wrong. Either way you can try the most recent version for free now. I didn't bother posting about it as the available free version was very limited compared to what was shown off in the more recent videos.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 9th, 2011, 21:38
by Dog Pants
Right, a few starters for the mall:



Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 16th, 2011, 14:41
by Anery
I've done fuck all with this so far and won't until next week.
I've just rebuilt my machine with a nice shiny SSD and took most of this weekend just gone to DL updates and such.
I'm at i44 this weekend so thats a no go
I had my AV flash up an alert that MC was trying to do things it shouldn't. Which I would have ignored but MC wasn't even supposed to be running, knowing what a complete security nightmare Java actually is I am going to virtualise an Ubuntu box and run all my dodgy Java stuff from there.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 16th, 2011, 21:28
by Dog Pants
Anery wrote:knowing what a complete security nightmare Java actually is I am going to virtualise an Ubuntu box and run all my donkey porn from there.
Fix'd :likesitall:

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 17th, 2011, 10:52
by spoodie
Minecraft went gold recently, for distribution at MineCon I believe. I understand that the publicly available RC2 is pretty much the the same as v1.0

But who cares? Skyrim.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 13:33
by fabyak
Just had an update to the client and when I tried to log in I think I killed the server :oops:

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 14:10
by buzzmong
1.0 came out last night, so not surprising really.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 19th, 2011, 14:11
by Dog Pants
I've sent it a restart.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 24th, 2011, 1:04
by Thompy

Well, I'm not one for it, especially on the internet, but I stumbled on this the other day and was at least mildly curious to what had gone on. Basically, Notch be dissin' Yogscast on twatter for their behaviour at Minecon. Yogscast responded (sums up most of the accusations there).

Without getting into who may be lying, I find the Yogscast's formal response a much better way to go about things than lashing out on twitter based on what appears to be mostly hearsay.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 24th, 2011, 1:12
by Mr. Johnson
I read that earlier too, and whilst I like both I guess they've gotten to the point of popularity/wealth where they both act like divas. Notch is being the least professional about it though. We'll have to wait for the word of the attendees to hear what really happened in Vegas, if they don't apply the rule of 'what happens in vegas' that is.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: November 24th, 2011, 7:53
by Joose
From what I can tell, I don't think Yogscast have actually done anything wrong. There's been a shitload of people (and videos) showing that they were nice and friendly all the way through, but zero evidence from anyone saying they were not. I think Notch may have let extreme tiredness and a bit of hearsay get the better of him. Which would be fine if he apologised for being a dick on twitter, but he hasn't.

Celebs should really treat twitter like a car: Don't use either when drunk, tired or angry.