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Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 17th, 2011, 19:12
by Anery
Crap, Iforgot to remove that. I'll shift it tonight. Multiplays servers have been having a shit recently not too happy about it. Add me on x-fire or steam and poke me that way as my forum browsing can be spasmodic

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 8:53
by Dog Pants
Holy frijoles! If you don't read RPS you might want to take a look at this. It's amazing, enough for me to sit through twenty minutes of it.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 9:55
by Mr. Johnson
Dog Pants wrote:Holy frijoles! If you don't read RPS you might want to take a look at this. It's amazing, enough for me to sit through twenty minutes of it.

That's pretty damn impressive.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 10:33
by buzzmong

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 11:50
by FatherJack
Is it gold that has a 1970s carpet texture in that skin pack? On the floor in a cross shape at around 10m.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 11:58
by Mr. Johnson
I'm guessing that's glowstone as it lights up the room.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 9:37
by mrbobbins
Had a wee bit of spare time before having to go to work this morning = MINECRAFT!.

A mere 15 min play made me realise how much more fun it is now. I've been busy beavering away on building something large and had only required stone, glass and wood but now I need a few things from deep underground.

I ventured out very well prepared for an extended spelunk but in only 15 mins I had found: an abandoned mine, 2 zombie spawners, heard a load of spiders so ran away in fear back to the surface, manned up and went back in, got lost, found the mine again, at a dead end dug down to get to lower levels for goodies, broke through into another mine, one corridor was flooded with lava, dammed it off so it flowed down a vertical shaft to a lower level with 2 spiders, took one out bravely from a distance with arrows, fell off the ledge, narrowly missing the lava, landed next to another zombie spawner, ran off in the opposite direction into... 3 more spiders, flailed in a panic with my sword, got poisoned, died. Had to go to work so couldn't go back to retrieve anything (Good excuse as I'm too scared)

It's FUN! (and scary)

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 10:33
by Dog Pants
I've been playing hardcore and deleting my saves when I die. Really makes mines scary when you're lost and hungry and there's cobwebs everywhere.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 11:35
by mrbobbins
Dog Pants wrote:I've been playing hardcore and deleting my saves when I die. Really makes mines scary when you're lost and hungry and there's cobwebs everywhere.
If I do that I don't think I could bring myself to actually build anything, it would have to be exploration only.

Anyone found strongholds or villages yet?

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 12:28
by fabyak
Not yet, just the mines although I'm thinking of extending my rail link

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 12:52
by mrbobbins
fabyak wrote:Not yet, just the mines although I'm thinking of extending my rail link
I should work out where I am actually building my large monument and see if it's suitable for connection to the existing rail network
I think it's east North, at least in the direction of where the sun rises, kinda straight out from the big Pants woman

Edit: Apparently it's North

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 13:25
by buzzmong
mrbobbins wrote:Edit: Apparently it's North
Ah. It does say that in 1.9 the sun now rises from the East.

I'm glad I've not named anything with directions again.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 13:37
by mrbobbins
buzzmong wrote:
mrbobbins wrote:Edit: Apparently it's North
Ah. It does say that in 1.9 the sun now rises from the East.

I'm glad I've not named anything with directions again.
Hmm, I'll try and find my way back and put a sign up then!

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 19th, 2011, 23:37
by Anery
mrbobbins wrote:
buzzmong wrote:
mrbobbins wrote:Edit: Apparently it's North
Ah. It does say that in 1.9 the sun now rises from the East.

I'm glad I've not named anything with directions again.
Hmm, I'll try and find my way back and put a sign up then!
But...I haven't put 1.9 on yet :?

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 1:59
by Stoat
It makes sense to prepare, though. Once 1.9 does come out a lot of people are going to get terribly lost.
And angry that the sun no longer has corners.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 7:37
by mrbobbins
Anery wrote: But...I haven't put 1.9 on yet :?
Well I guess it only really makes a difference when talking about direction in terms of North, South etc. is there actually anything in game that uses compass points?

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 9:20
by Dog Pants
mrbobbins wrote:
Anery wrote: But...I haven't put 1.9 on yet :?
Well I guess it only really makes a difference when talking about direction in terms of North, South etc. is there actually anything in game that uses compass points?

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 10:07
by mrbobbins
Dog Pants wrote:Compasses.
Doesn't that just point to Spawn though?, it's not got points on it showing N, S etc.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 10:10
by Dog Pants
Oh, erm dunno actually. I think it might.

Re: Minecraft

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 10:15
by spoodie
mrbobbins wrote:
Dog Pants wrote:Compasses.
Doesn't that just point to Spawn though?, it's not got points on it showing N, S etc.
It does, or more specifically, your spawn.

I'm not totally convinced of all the new things coming with 1.9. The potions and enchanting seem a bit fiddly for Minecraft, potentially very useful though, if grindy. And presumably Notch added dragons as the community really wanted them, which I don't understand. Why not something more imaginative?