FatherJack wrote:What the fuck are these porters doing, though?
The first one is practicing semaphore with cricket bats. The second one is a man with very short legs and an erection using a porter's trolly to support himself while thrusting his pelvis violently. Obviously.
Lordy, I only ordered this yesterday and lo and behold, I come home today with a hangover and it's poking its little corner seductively through my letterbox. Installed and ready and I have done the more fun training missions. Can I blow up some bridges tiem now?
To be fair the orange and green one did look a bit like a face in semi shadow but far too orange. The other mini icon just looks like an explosion of colour.
spoodie wrote:To be fair the orange and green one did look a bit like a face in semi shadow but far too orange. The other mini icon just <b>looks like an explosion of colour</b>.
All up and running now, was just pissing about snipering things there. The snipering is so realistic. if only I had a spotter with me to tell me distances and winds it be like tin town again.
Hmm, first mirror tries to flood your pc with toolbars and whatnot. Second mirror is 404. Filefront mirror isn't linkied properly and stops at their front page for me. Other mirror works though.