As this is the latest EVE thread I can find, I feel like sharing some rather loltastic news:
The Mittani (CEO of Goonswarm) got really shitfaced at Fanfest '12 and during the open Q&A with alliance leaders after the Alliance presentations, named and called for the harrasment of a player who'd posted some suicidal comments in one of the emails the Goons had recieved after ganking him (Mittani had shown the mail in his slides as part of a set of similar "tears" mails, albeit sans name).
CCP were not happy and as a result, Mittens has just been banned for 30 days for breaking the TOS/EULA. In a double whammy due to the CSM rules regarding active CSM members breaking the TOS/EULA+Bannings, he's not only been kicked out of CSM 6 but also forfeited his continued chairmanship and place in the just about to start CSM 7.
Goonswarm are crying actual tears as their beloved CEO has probably done more damage to them in a single drunken moment than any spy could ever do. As it's goons, lots of gnashing of teeth and trying to place blame elsewhere has ensued.
Oh, and they've annouced they're going to mass gank Jita (although it is partially unrelated, they've just moved the dates forward to coincide with the expiry of said temp ban), which could prove to be really good for the game oddly enough.