Bite-Sized Hardcore

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Dog Pants
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Bite-Sized Hardcore

Post by Dog Pants »

Bite-Sized Hardcore is a term coined (yesterday) by Cliff Harris, indie developer and creator of Gratuitous Space Battles. He created a manifesto of requirements for games which will satisfy a hardcore gamer who has little free time. Allow me to repost:

What we demand is…

1) No pandering to casual gaming stereotypes. No gratuitous kittens or ‘cute’ cuddly characters.

2) No time wasting. No splash screens, intros, or FMV. We have 30 minutes tonight for gaming. Ensure all 30 minutes have us interacting with the game.

3) No Grind. We have day jobs. leave the grind to the kids in the F2P MMOs where it belongs. Give me decent, varying content, without filler. And don’t reward grind either, with bonus achievements for time played, or 1,000 low level rats clubbed.

4) No nickel+diming. We have proper jobs and disposable income. If the game is good, we will buy outright. Don’t keep breakign immersion to try and sell us $0.05 worth of magic pixie dust.

5) No oversimplification. We can cope with 2 mouse buttons, maybe even 3, and a wheel. We can cope with right clicking, tech trees, customisable units and mods.

6) No mandatory training levels or tutorials that cover the obvious. This is my 245th first person shooter. I can guess that WSAD moves, the mouse looks, and the mouse shoots. At the very least, let me skip tutorial stuff I don’t need.

7) Don’t patronize us. We shouldn’t get an achievement for hitting the jump key, or told we are awesome soldiers for hitting a tin can. Leave that crap for kids in kindergarten.

8 ) Be original. We have gamed before. We have fought in many a crate-strewn corridoor, and killed many a rat and returned their hides to someone who is too lazy to do it themselves. We have heard many tales of lost kingdoms and evil wizards. Surprise us. Please.
This pleases me. I fit into this demographic. I haven't found many games which satisfy it though. Even including Cliff's own GSB, which for me takes time to remind myself how to use my ships effectively. Roguelikes seem to fit this nicely, and random generation usually comes hand in hand with short but interesting games. So please suggest anything which you think fits this. Here are some suggestions from me:

Minecraft - Obviously, the king of hop-in-and-out, even when you don't want to hop out.
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space - Not as infinite as it says, but the spacefaring light RPG can be played in half an hour even on large maps, and the randomisation of equipment and maps makes it very replayable.
Dungeons of Dredmor - Polished Roguelike which can be save-quit and picked up again in no time. A little bit repetitive for me, possibly because I've never got past the second level.
Gratuitous Space Battles - A bit too unintuitive to be a true Bitesized Hardcore, but a handy little game nevertheless which can be played in short time.
Orcs Must Die! - Something from the more polished end of things, and a single game might be a bit too long to be included, but it does toss you right into the action with very little between you and the game.
Plants Vs Zombies - If the campaign games take a bit too long for you, you can save-quit them pretty quickly. If you don't fancy that you can always try one of the quicker puzzle modes.
Super Meat Boy - Play-die-play-die-play-die action platformer. You're never far from being able to get up and walk away because you're never far from death.
Terraria - Persistent world building/adventure game, easy to jump in and out of.
The Binding of Isaac - Like a cross between Super Meat Boy and Smash TV. Random, single screen levels, which you can put down because you'll never survive that long.
Roman Totale
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Re: Bite-Sized Hardcore

Post by Roman Totale »

Number 2 is very relevant for me at the moment as I've just started playing LA Noire. I get that they must have paid a lot of money to get the actors' faces done all pretty like that, but for fucks sake please let me skip those fucking cut scenes! Even the most menial side mission has an intro scene that cannot be skipped. If you fail and retry you have to sit through the same scene that essentially boils down to "he went that way!".

I liked Defence Alliance - a nice little tower defence game that's fun, simple and challenging.
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Re: Bite-Sized Hardcore

Post by Joose »

Even as someone who does have time to invest in longer play sessions, this would be excellent. Sometimes you just want to kill half an hour, and that leaves you with not a lot of options.

Although, saying that, there are a lot of things in longer playing games that are fuck irritating time wasters too. Everything non interactive should be skippable, like with the LA Noir example.

There's a fair few of these kind of games that I play, except they are all multiplayer. LoL is normally over in half an hour, MTGO games rarely take more than fifteen. Trouble with them of course is that you have to commit to that time. If you think you have twenty mins, then discover you have to do something five mins in, you will end up pissing off you opponents.
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Re: Bite-Sized Hardcore

Post by FatherJack »

What matter most to me are Save and Pause. Do those right and I'll play any game for any chopped-up small increments of time.

If you must have cut-scenes, let me skip them, pause them without skipping them, replay them at my leisure or make it so the game doesn't carry on and I die if I walk away from the PC.

I probably don't play solid for more than 30-45 minutes without grabbing a beer or going for a piss, so games that penalise me for that don't get played.

Games don't have to be bite-sized by design for me, just capable of being played in short bursts and letting me continue exactly where I left off, even if I save and quit. This week I've played Skyrim, Tropico, Left4Dead (SP), Football Manager, X3, Cities in Motion and Restaurant Empire - and apart from Skyrim not being able to pause/save during conversations they all fit with my definition. Singularity and Duke Nukem do not, as while they do have a pause feature, they use checkpoints - which are an artificial difficulty enhancer and the bane of gamers without inifnite time or patience.

With multiplayer games, you do generally have to commit to a stretch of time in advance - so I only really play ones which have relatively short rounds, or play with friends who don't mind that you might have go AFK for a minute or two at times.
Mr. Johnson
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Re: Bite-Sized Hardcore

Post by Mr. Johnson »

FatherJack wrote:What matter most to me are Save and Pause. Do those right and I'll play any game for any chopped-up small increments of time.

This. A good example are the Metal gear series, renowned for it's lengthy, frequent cutscenes. They finally fixed this in the 4th instalment (by pressing the universal PS3 button which pauses most games), but that game wasn't as good as the third one which is where it irked me the most. It's really annoying trying to pay attention to it's admittedly unnecessarily convoluted story whilst my mum is trying to ask me where the rest of my socks are.
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Re: Bite-Sized Hardcore

Post by buzzmong »

Mr. Johnson wrote:
FatherJack wrote:What matter most to me are Save and Pause. Do those right and I'll play any game for any chopped-up small increments of time.

This. A good example are the Metal gear series, renowned for it's lengthy, frequent cutscenes. They finally fixed this in the 4th instalment (by pressing the universal PS3 button which pauses most games), but that game wasn't as good as the third one which is where it irked me the most. It's really annoying trying to pay attention to it's admittedly unnecessarily convoluted story whilst my mum is trying to ask me where the rest of my socks are.
To be fair, you should always know where your socks are. They're a bit like towels in one regard.
Mr. Johnson
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Re: Bite-Sized Hardcore

Post by Mr. Johnson »

Towels? I don't wear towels on my feet. I did wear a t-shirt on my feet once, but that's a different story.
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Re: Bite-Sized Hardcore

Post by fabyak »

I Wanna Be The Guy (I think it was Stoat or Spoodie mentioned it some time back. Original, challenging and fuck me is it infuriating (but in a fun way)
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Re: Bite-Sized Hardcore

Post by fabyak »

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