Am back, mostly settled into the new house and getting used to the ridiculously fast internets therein, all is well!
Some of you may not know I'm getting hitched in a couple of months time, some of you (likely most) will. I'm just posting this so we have a 5punk reference. Those of you on facebook (whom I'm 'friends' with) will have an invite to my wedding reception. Those of you who aren't on facebook are of course also welcome.
If you chaps fancy a jaunt to Liverpool for a one night extravaganza please do come along. It'd be lovely to see you and have a few ales. I understand though that due to our scattered nature it won't be easy or feasible so if you can't come it's all good. I'll be off for a few days before the wedding too so if any of you are around I'd definitely catch up with you.
All youse guys on facebook, feel free to make your attendance known on the event page. Those of you not, feel free to message me on here for all pertinent details. It's in Liverpool, on the first of July. If you're interested, let me know.