Edit: I changed the title to reflect that this is a post about us Eve players rather than the state of the game itself. To read about the upcoming expansion, planetary interaction and the future tie in to the console FPS MMO DUST 514, you'll have to look elsewhere

Friznit - IT Alliance invading the North
Dynamic Influence Map
For myself, I'm currently in Anzac Alliance. As the name would suggest, that's predominantly an Aus/Kiwi crew, but it's actually a single big corp that's part of IT Alliance (formerly Band of Brothers + Greater BoB Community). I like it because it's active, typical Aus no bullshit sense of humour, hands off leadership and they let you get on and do your own thing. I joined with a couple of long time friends who I've been flying with since Mercenary Coalition collapsed at the end of Delve War 2.
IT Alliance is currently in the opening stages of a mass invasion of the North. The Northern Coalition, led by the heavy weights Morsus Mihi and Razor with a whole bunch of smaller allies, are putting up stiff resistance in Pure Blind. Separate from the IT thrust, but aligned to the same Sourthern Coalition, ATLAS Alliance are fighting a holding and harrassing action in Tribute whilst Against All Authorities winds up the annihilation of CVA in Providence and gears up for a push into Tribute and Vale, opening up a second front for the NC and splitting their horses.
Meanwhile, 'independent allies' of IT are keeping their foot on the kneck of the would-be resurgent Goonswarm in Cloud Ring, now renamed LODRA and significantly less swarmy since their disastrous failure cascade and collapse back to empire 3 months ago. Goons are, to all intents and purposes, irrelevant.