Mediawiki user control

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Mediawiki user control

Post by Joose »


I'm using mediawiki for the rpg I'm making (yes I'm still making it :lol:), and it turned into a big old pit of spam. I've been looking at the various different methods of controlling it, but all the documentation I can find assumes you are using your wiki in the traditional way, with loads of people contributing to it. Thing is, I'm not. At the moment there are only two, maybe three people who need to be able to create/edit pages. It occurs to me that simply not allowing people without accounts to do anything, and then turning off the ability to sign up, my problem would be solved. I can't work out how to do that though.

Tl;dr: how do I...

A) stop people making new accounts
B) stop people without accounts doing anything other than read it.
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Post by FatherJack »

Since I've just done exactly this with our wiki:

Open LocalSettings.php

Stick this at the end:

Code: Select all

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false;
$wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false;
Admins can create accounts via the Special pages link.

More options for other stuff here:
Posts: 8090
Joined: October 13th, 2004, 14:13
Location: The house of Un-Earthly horrors

Post by Joose »

Fantastic, cheers! That's exactly what I was looking for.
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