What level did you get to?
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What level did you get to?
It's an interesting little survey, which level have you got a character to in each of the classes? On the surface it might look like the ones you didn't play long are the ones which suit you least, but it's not necessarily so. Anyway, here's mine (roughly);
Shaman - 80
Paladin - 67
Death Knight - 58
Warlock - 39
Druid - 24
Mage - 23
Warrior - 20
Hunter - 19
Rogue - 17
Priest - 7
It's interesting that the order the classes are in aren't the order of preference though. I started with Shaman because they were a versatile class with a bit of technique required, having already played a hunter for 19 levels in another trial account. While I don't regret it, and consider myself to be a Shaman first, I think I'd have come through with whatever my first character was as my main.
Paladin might be my second longest played, but much of this comes down to it being a welcome break from levelling my main. I found playing a Paladin to be easy and uncomplicated, and probably got 40 of the levels while my Shaman was in Outlands. That's probably partly a reflection on the difficulty of playing mid-level Shamans and partly my dislike for Outlands.
Death Knights always throw the stats out in little surveys like this, because they start at 50. Consider that I only played mine for 8 levels, and then it was an Alliance bank alt for cross faction pet-trading. It's not that they're not fun to play, more that I still remember the explosion of retard DKs declaring how wonderful they were in every channel when Lich King came out.
Warlock is my current favourite alt. The strange combination of caster/pet class/tank is refreshingly different from anything else I've played in any MMO, and it feels like I'm actively taking part in the combat even at such a low level. In reality, I follow a strict rotation that's so predictable it's partially macrod, but it feels interesting.
Druid is a funny one. I really want to like them, and they're by far the most versatile class in the game. However, in order to level them effectively you really have to go DPS (as with every other class), which means the rogue-like cat form at low levels. This has led to me very quickly leveling to around 20, then finding it very difficult to continue.
Mage I was enjoying, and really the only reason I stopped playing the class is because I started playing a Warlock and found that, as a caster class, I preferred it.
Warrior I was determined to like, but I really had to horse myself to play as long as I did, hoping that it got better later. However, in the end I got a portal to Dalaran and threw him off. For a well armoured melee class I found both their offensive and defensive capability to be stunningly poor at low level.
My Hunter I rather like. She has a pink flamingo, and a name that might lead one to believe she's actualy male. Again, I've found as pet class to be entertaining, but ultimately I'm put off playing her by the reputation Hunters have. In order to put the effort into levelling a character there has to be an end game to play, and the (partly justified) reputation Hunters have leads me to think I'd struggle there. Alternatively, compared to the other pure DPS classes at 80 (Mage, Warlock), they don't seem to have a strong role.
The Rogue. Second only to the Warrior in how little I liked them. Again tainted by a bad reputation for attracting a certain type of player, I actually found the class to be very slow to play and easy to cock up. Sneaking about picking targets off just didn't hold the same appeal as wading into a group and hacking them to tiny pieces.
The priest was a funny one. I didn't dislike playing him, but leveling as a shadow priest even at such a low level was looking like a grind. That wasn't what put me off though, I wanted a bank alt and I'd decided Priest was the class to be I didn't have room for two Priests on the server, so he got deleted and replaced by another Priest. Salut, Pearljet, you're still missed.
Shaman - 80
Paladin - 67
Death Knight - 58
Warlock - 39
Druid - 24
Mage - 23
Warrior - 20
Hunter - 19
Rogue - 17
Priest - 7
It's interesting that the order the classes are in aren't the order of preference though. I started with Shaman because they were a versatile class with a bit of technique required, having already played a hunter for 19 levels in another trial account. While I don't regret it, and consider myself to be a Shaman first, I think I'd have come through with whatever my first character was as my main.
Paladin might be my second longest played, but much of this comes down to it being a welcome break from levelling my main. I found playing a Paladin to be easy and uncomplicated, and probably got 40 of the levels while my Shaman was in Outlands. That's probably partly a reflection on the difficulty of playing mid-level Shamans and partly my dislike for Outlands.
Death Knights always throw the stats out in little surveys like this, because they start at 50. Consider that I only played mine for 8 levels, and then it was an Alliance bank alt for cross faction pet-trading. It's not that they're not fun to play, more that I still remember the explosion of retard DKs declaring how wonderful they were in every channel when Lich King came out.
Warlock is my current favourite alt. The strange combination of caster/pet class/tank is refreshingly different from anything else I've played in any MMO, and it feels like I'm actively taking part in the combat even at such a low level. In reality, I follow a strict rotation that's so predictable it's partially macrod, but it feels interesting.
Druid is a funny one. I really want to like them, and they're by far the most versatile class in the game. However, in order to level them effectively you really have to go DPS (as with every other class), which means the rogue-like cat form at low levels. This has led to me very quickly leveling to around 20, then finding it very difficult to continue.
Mage I was enjoying, and really the only reason I stopped playing the class is because I started playing a Warlock and found that, as a caster class, I preferred it.
Warrior I was determined to like, but I really had to horse myself to play as long as I did, hoping that it got better later. However, in the end I got a portal to Dalaran and threw him off. For a well armoured melee class I found both their offensive and defensive capability to be stunningly poor at low level.
My Hunter I rather like. She has a pink flamingo, and a name that might lead one to believe she's actualy male. Again, I've found as pet class to be entertaining, but ultimately I'm put off playing her by the reputation Hunters have. In order to put the effort into levelling a character there has to be an end game to play, and the (partly justified) reputation Hunters have leads me to think I'd struggle there. Alternatively, compared to the other pure DPS classes at 80 (Mage, Warlock), they don't seem to have a strong role.
The Rogue. Second only to the Warrior in how little I liked them. Again tainted by a bad reputation for attracting a certain type of player, I actually found the class to be very slow to play and easy to cock up. Sneaking about picking targets off just didn't hold the same appeal as wading into a group and hacking them to tiny pieces.
The priest was a funny one. I didn't dislike playing him, but leveling as a shadow priest even at such a low level was looking like a grind. That wasn't what put me off though, I wanted a bank alt and I'd decided Priest was the class to be I didn't have room for two Priests on the server, so he got deleted and replaced by another Priest. Salut, Pearljet, you're still missed.
- Morbo
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Warrior 80+ (cos it was my main raiding toon)
Paladin 80
Rogue 76
Priest 73
Drood 35
Hunter 33
DK 51
Mage 30, about 4 times
Never tried the others.
I pretty much played warrior exclusively until I'd got to the point where I knew the game well. I levelled a Paladin cos we were short of healers in Shadow Nemeis and it was piss easy in comparison.
The rogue was my first emo break from raiding. Got to Wrath land and got bored - third time round it was too much of a grind by then.
Tried another mage, got to about lvl 20 and nuked it, just like the last 3. Then figured I give priest a go for a change and actually really enjoyed it. Unfortunately emoragequit WoW before I got him to 80.
Paladin 80
Rogue 76
Priest 73
Drood 35
Hunter 33
DK 51
Mage 30, about 4 times
Never tried the others.
I pretty much played warrior exclusively until I'd got to the point where I knew the game well. I levelled a Paladin cos we were short of healers in Shadow Nemeis and it was piss easy in comparison.
The rogue was my first emo break from raiding. Got to Wrath land and got bored - third time round it was too much of a grind by then.
Tried another mage, got to about lvl 20 and nuked it, just like the last 3. Then figured I give priest a go for a change and actually really enjoyed it. Unfortunately emoragequit WoW before I got him to 80.
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DK's start at 55, and the first 3-4 levels are pretty much the starting phased zone, so here's all the characters I've put more than 10 levels in.
DK 80 x2
Warlock 76, 60, 39, 31
Priest 23
Hunter ~35 on old account back when 50 was the cap, 12
Druid 21
Paladin, Shaman, Mage ~10 then deleted
I never got very far with rogues, finding them a bit slow to play and warriors have never appealed - they just seemed uninteresting compared to paladins and later, death knights.
I didn't get to grips with paladins or shamans, failing to understand their nuances, and with mages I struggled to do enough damage before getting surrounded.
The druid has been rather a struggle, trying to make my animal forms stronger sacrifices spellcasting abilities.
Hunters have a bad rep which has put me off them, but when I've played them I've always wanted to have guns. Unfortunately, like the druid, this horses you to be Tauren. I really dislike the Tauren model as it is too big and you can't ride mounts through doorways.
The priest is better than I thought it would be, but it's still slow going. I might just abandon questing with it altogether and just random dungeon my way up the levels.
Warlocks and DKs are my favourites, with pets and enough toys in the box to keep things fun. You don't have to be scared of groups of enemies and can take on much tougher opponents than yourself with your self-healing and pet-healing abilities while still kicking out plenty of damage.
As far as end-game goes, I'm very new. My DKs are still unholy spec and my warlocks are all demonology - while that's great for levelling I really need to respec for tanking/DPS. I'm worried my warlock will just become a mage at 80 and basically just spam shadow bolt the whole time.
DK 80 x2
Warlock 76, 60, 39, 31
Priest 23
Hunter ~35 on old account back when 50 was the cap, 12
Druid 21
Paladin, Shaman, Mage ~10 then deleted
I never got very far with rogues, finding them a bit slow to play and warriors have never appealed - they just seemed uninteresting compared to paladins and later, death knights.
I didn't get to grips with paladins or shamans, failing to understand their nuances, and with mages I struggled to do enough damage before getting surrounded.
The druid has been rather a struggle, trying to make my animal forms stronger sacrifices spellcasting abilities.
Hunters have a bad rep which has put me off them, but when I've played them I've always wanted to have guns. Unfortunately, like the druid, this horses you to be Tauren. I really dislike the Tauren model as it is too big and you can't ride mounts through doorways.
The priest is better than I thought it would be, but it's still slow going. I might just abandon questing with it altogether and just random dungeon my way up the levels.
Warlocks and DKs are my favourites, with pets and enough toys in the box to keep things fun. You don't have to be scared of groups of enemies and can take on much tougher opponents than yourself with your self-healing and pet-healing abilities while still kicking out plenty of damage.
As far as end-game goes, I'm very new. My DKs are still unholy spec and my warlocks are all demonology - while that's great for levelling I really need to respec for tanking/DPS. I'm worried my warlock will just become a mage at 80 and basically just spam shadow bolt the whole time.
- Optimus Prime
- Posts: 1132
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Death Knight - 80
Paladin - 79ish
Mage - 65ish
Hunter and Rooj - Mid 40's
Priest - 20ish
I also have a few alts over on my original Daggerspine account but I have no idea what state they are in.
The hunter was my first character on release. However, the people I started with (my old outfit from Planetside) power gamed right from the get-go, became EJ's and I quit after a few months.
Mage and Rogue were probably the ones I really wanted to get to 80, but the lure of easy mode DK's and Pally's meant whenever it felt like hard work, I played those instead.
Berk is caretaker on my account these days (I very much doubt I'll be back) so this from memory.
Paladin - 79ish
Mage - 65ish
Hunter and Rooj - Mid 40's
Priest - 20ish
I also have a few alts over on my original Daggerspine account but I have no idea what state they are in.
The hunter was my first character on release. However, the people I started with (my old outfit from Planetside) power gamed right from the get-go, became EJ's and I quit after a few months.
Mage and Rogue were probably the ones I really wanted to get to 80, but the lure of easy mode DK's and Pally's meant whenever it felt like hard work, I played those instead.
Berk is caretaker on my account these days (I very much doubt I'll be back) so this from memory.
- Robotic Bumlord
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- Joined: October 24th, 2004, 0:27
- Location: Manchester, UK
In order of age (not including ones I deleted)
Rogue - 55
My first character ever in WoW. The fact it was my first (and the fact I can never be bothered reading guides) probably explains why I played for so long, didn't get very far and eventually kicked it to the kerb. I had skinning and leatherworking as skills and could never, ever make any money. Quite frankly rogues are a pain in the arse when levelling - having to surprise sex everything gets boring after a while.
Bit of a gap here as I think I deleted a few characters - probably mages
Paladin - 11
Holy shit I've got an ally! And I never use him. Space goat chap. I only keep him in case I need stuff from kiddyville.
Death Knight - 80
Starting afresh at 55 is great - you haven't had time to get bored of your class yet. I did professions properly this time. Harbalism and Alchemy - fairly easy to grind and good for money making (especially when WotLK first came out). Getting slightly bored now, mainly concentrating on improving raid performance, making money and getting achievements (aka, crack).
Warlock - 6
I have never got a Blood Elf past level 10. Bunch of faggots.
Priest - 67
I am currently whoring this alt in an attempt to get to 80. I'd quite like to be useful in a raid without the stigma of being an omg n00b DK.
Paladin - 10
Another Blood Elf. Maybe one day I'll get it past level 10 just to prove myself wrong.
Hunter - 32
I actually quite like this character - I just hate re-doing all the lower levels again. Just went for "collector" skills on this one - skinning and mining - no dicking about with levelling and you get some nice bonuses from them.
Rogue - 55
My first character ever in WoW. The fact it was my first (and the fact I can never be bothered reading guides) probably explains why I played for so long, didn't get very far and eventually kicked it to the kerb. I had skinning and leatherworking as skills and could never, ever make any money. Quite frankly rogues are a pain in the arse when levelling - having to surprise sex everything gets boring after a while.
Bit of a gap here as I think I deleted a few characters - probably mages
Paladin - 11
Holy shit I've got an ally! And I never use him. Space goat chap. I only keep him in case I need stuff from kiddyville.
Death Knight - 80
Starting afresh at 55 is great - you haven't had time to get bored of your class yet. I did professions properly this time. Harbalism and Alchemy - fairly easy to grind and good for money making (especially when WotLK first came out). Getting slightly bored now, mainly concentrating on improving raid performance, making money and getting achievements (aka, crack).
Warlock - 6
I have never got a Blood Elf past level 10. Bunch of faggots.
Priest - 67
I am currently whoring this alt in an attempt to get to 80. I'd quite like to be useful in a raid without the stigma of being an omg n00b DK.
Paladin - 10
Another Blood Elf. Maybe one day I'll get it past level 10 just to prove myself wrong.
Hunter - 32
I actually quite like this character - I just hate re-doing all the lower levels again. Just went for "collector" skills on this one - skinning and mining - no dicking about with levelling and you get some nice bonuses from them.
Shaman - 35
I made a quick shammy before i quit and got her to lvl 20 something. Now leveling, off and on, an orc shaman.
Paladin - 20
Leveling always felt way too slow with this class.
Death Knight - 80
My current main. When i switched from my american account back to my eu account all i wanted was to get to 80 as fast as possible and DK was a good choice. Still gearing up (and supplying heirlooms to my alts). i'm pretty good dps.
Warlock - 60
My first proper character on my eu account. sadly abandonned and never really picked up again after i switched accounts.
Druid - 72
My american account's main. Had a lot of fun doing BC content. but i never really got in to WotLK with this guy.
Mage - 20
Another dalliance. i may level one in future, but i don't really feel for this class.
Warrior - 22
First character. Can't delete him due to sentimental reasons. I plan to make a new warrior when cataclysm comes out.
Hunter - 25
Levelled a hunter, camped Humar the pridelord. Didn't have much reason to keep going after i caught him. *shrug*
Rogue - 31
Made a twink, currently leveling her to 80.
Priest - 10
Class felt boring.
I made a quick shammy before i quit and got her to lvl 20 something. Now leveling, off and on, an orc shaman.
Paladin - 20
Leveling always felt way too slow with this class.
Death Knight - 80
My current main. When i switched from my american account back to my eu account all i wanted was to get to 80 as fast as possible and DK was a good choice. Still gearing up (and supplying heirlooms to my alts). i'm pretty good dps.
Warlock - 60
My first proper character on my eu account. sadly abandonned and never really picked up again after i switched accounts.
Druid - 72
My american account's main. Had a lot of fun doing BC content. but i never really got in to WotLK with this guy.
Mage - 20
Another dalliance. i may level one in future, but i don't really feel for this class.
Warrior - 22
First character. Can't delete him due to sentimental reasons. I plan to make a new warrior when cataclysm comes out.
Hunter - 25
Levelled a hunter, camped Humar the pridelord. Didn't have much reason to keep going after i caught him. *shrug*
Rogue - 31
Made a twink, currently leveling her to 80.
Priest - 10
Class felt boring.
Last edited by Legoshoes on June 6th, 2010, 8:41, edited 1 time in total.
Order of level and favourites 
Pally: 80
I like this one, so much so it's probably my main now. Being able to throw out heals of nearly 20k is fucking awesome. Still need to remember to use bubble and my other 'oh shit' buttons from time to time.
Shaman: 80
I really need to go back to this one at some point and get some better gear - I love the versatility of the class (oh, and the massive DPS too!)
Druid: 80
It's nice, but it's like the old saying - jack of all trades, master of none.
Warlock: 73 (currently levelling this one)
I'm REALLY fucking loving this class. Being able to take on several mobs the same level or higher and come out with full health and mana is fucking ace. I need to do some dungeons and find out what it's really like in those (only done Nexus so far).
DK: 70
It's good, does a lot of damage, but I think I prefer my main and my Lock. Plus, all the DKtards (present company excepted of course) can all fuck off and die in Vanessa Feltz's giant smelly flaps.
Hunter: 61
Don't know why I didn't carry on with this, it's a nice class. I'm sure I'll come back to it at some point, when my Warlock's levelled. Then again it's exactly the fucking same so don't know if I could subject myself to 19 more levels of it.
Warrior: 24
Not bad with what I've done so far - I'm aiming to get Titan's Grip on whatever tree it is eventually so I can look cool flailing a couple of two-handers around
Mage: 20
A bit too flimsy at times, I'm sure it would be better levelled but I have nicer classes to play.
Priest: ~12 or so
This one was my undoing - couldn't really work it out.
Rogue: ~10

Pally: 80
I like this one, so much so it's probably my main now. Being able to throw out heals of nearly 20k is fucking awesome. Still need to remember to use bubble and my other 'oh shit' buttons from time to time.
Shaman: 80
I really need to go back to this one at some point and get some better gear - I love the versatility of the class (oh, and the massive DPS too!)
Druid: 80
It's nice, but it's like the old saying - jack of all trades, master of none.
Warlock: 73 (currently levelling this one)
I'm REALLY fucking loving this class. Being able to take on several mobs the same level or higher and come out with full health and mana is fucking ace. I need to do some dungeons and find out what it's really like in those (only done Nexus so far).
DK: 70
It's good, does a lot of damage, but I think I prefer my main and my Lock. Plus, all the DKtards (present company excepted of course) can all fuck off and die in Vanessa Feltz's giant smelly flaps.
Hunter: 61
Don't know why I didn't carry on with this, it's a nice class. I'm sure I'll come back to it at some point, when my Warlock's levelled. Then again it's exactly the fucking same so don't know if I could subject myself to 19 more levels of it.
Warrior: 24
Not bad with what I've done so far - I'm aiming to get Titan's Grip on whatever tree it is eventually so I can look cool flailing a couple of two-handers around

Mage: 20
A bit too flimsy at times, I'm sure it would be better levelled but I have nicer classes to play.
Priest: ~12 or so
This one was my undoing - couldn't really work it out.
Rogue: ~10
- Morbo
- Posts: 19676
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Now I can be arsed to type:
Death Knight - 80
I love DKs, they're easy to play, but are mostly played badly, by idiots, lots of survivability and easy to level. downside is that they do have a reasonably bad rep, and aren't a huge amount of fun as DPS for hcs and raids, as they need you to be well on the ball with your rotation to do well.
Paladin - 80
I enjoy Pallys, great utility class, can do everything well, DPS is hilariously easy and you can off heal when shit goes wrong. downside is they're all fucking belfs, and belfs are cocks.
Warrior - 80
Jesus, that was a lot of work, my warrior was my first toon, and the first I got to 70. Unfortunately all the warr changes in itchy ring left me confused and crap, took me about a year to drag him to 80, and he's still in crafted stuff. Not a bad class, just isn't as easy as DK tanking or Pally DPS.
Hunter - 38
Actually, quite fun, but another alt through STV destroyed my will to level.
Druid - 27
Same issues as the hunter really only with the barrens, and all your forms being fucking crap through the 20s
Warlock - 17
Less squishy than I expected, quite a bit of fun, need to level this more.
Shaman - 8
Seemed great while I was dual boxing, but low DPS combined with being made of fluff = no fun.
Death Knight - 80
I love DKs, they're easy to play, but are mostly played badly, by idiots, lots of survivability and easy to level. downside is that they do have a reasonably bad rep, and aren't a huge amount of fun as DPS for hcs and raids, as they need you to be well on the ball with your rotation to do well.
Paladin - 80
I enjoy Pallys, great utility class, can do everything well, DPS is hilariously easy and you can off heal when shit goes wrong. downside is they're all fucking belfs, and belfs are cocks.
Warrior - 80
Jesus, that was a lot of work, my warrior was my first toon, and the first I got to 70. Unfortunately all the warr changes in itchy ring left me confused and crap, took me about a year to drag him to 80, and he's still in crafted stuff. Not a bad class, just isn't as easy as DK tanking or Pally DPS.
Hunter - 38
Actually, quite fun, but another alt through STV destroyed my will to level.
Druid - 27
Same issues as the hunter really only with the barrens, and all your forms being fucking crap through the 20s
Warlock - 17
Less squishy than I expected, quite a bit of fun, need to level this more.
Shaman - 8
Seemed great while I was dual boxing, but low DPS combined with being made of fluff = no fun.
- Morbo
- Posts: 19676
- Joined: December 10th, 2004, 21:53
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Tempting....but I think my new found social life would kill me.Dr. kitteny berk wrote:Not coming back to join us for 5punken raiding?

You see I dont have the ability to balance when i play wow, I plough all my time into it leaving little for anything or anyone else.
Whilst this is fun with you guys and I enjoy it, I forget the other things that I enjoy too hehe.
That and there is no way I can put up with the next six weeks of spam from retards about the world cup.
Much rather argue with retards in the pub about it. Heh.
Especially as I'm in scotland and everyone is rocking ABE shirts, let the banter commence!

Talk about stating the obvious (much as I would love it to happen).... but we've got about as much chance as successfully making a snowball in hell and hurling it in Satan's face. In July! (In Europe)