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General Armaments

General Armaments have had a rather chequered success rate with their products over the years and are finding it hard to maintain their hold in the market place. Their products are sound enough with a good robust design and long life expectancy of parts, which should be ample requirements for success but against such manufacturing giants like FEN, GA is David against Goliath without the stone. GA are slowly losing their sponsorship deals due to a drop in sales. This should spell the end of GA's weapons design team unless they can work miracles or acquire funding from outside sources. The rather unfortunate crossing of swords with FEN may hinder greatly the chances of GA contracting funding from any source. After financial collapse, a buy-out attempt by FEN is inevitable.

GA 092

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost

GA 400

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost

GA 42 Silhouette

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost

GA 47 10mm Semi-Automatic Pistol

This inexpensive semi-automatic pistol is ideal for the operative that needs the stopping power of 10mm at close range. A good ceramic 'life-time' guarantee barrel and light weight frame construction make the GA47 very comfortable to fire. The GA47 has a good ammunition delivery for the double action, open chamber firing mechanism with very little recoil. It comes ready to fit silencer, flash suppressor, stock and sights, with a free unloaded box magazine.

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost
12 10mm 2 2 10m 75c

GA 50 Finisher 10mm Assault Rifle

Continuing the trend of very good, long-lasting, inexpensive weapons, the GA50 is a superb light assault rifle. Carrying a 10mm round, the GA50 is a good all-round rifle with solid carbon-fibre construction which makes for great weight savings and allows for long periods of sustained fire without having to worry about damage to the internal working of the rifle from overheating. The Finisher comes ready to fit silencer, flash suppressor and sights with a free unloaded box magazine.

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost
18 10mm 3 6 15 300

GA 67

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost

GA 700

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost

GA 740

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost

GA 82 Maverick

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost

GA 91

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost

GA 9442 Browbeater

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost

GA 9443 SCAF Mini-Browbeater

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost

GAG60 Driller

Clip CAL ROF RCL Range Cost