SLA Industries

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SLA Industries

SLA Industries is an urban horror roleplaying game set in dark futuristic universe called the World of Progress. The World of Progress spans thousands of worlds, most of which are ruled by the ubiquitous SLA Industries. SLA Industries is a giant megacorporation, the virtually unchallenged power in the World of Progress. Players play the part of Operatives - freelance agents who take jobs from SLA to protect the public and the company.

The World of Progress

Although the World of Progress is vast, spanning thousands of planets, the players will spend the majority of their time on the SLA capital of Mort, in the planet's capital city by the same name.


The planet Mort is the flawed jewel in SLA's crown. The giant planet consistes mostly of desolate wastelands and dead oceans, scoured by industry and pollution. Giant atmospheric processors keep the planet habitable, and weather control systems keep the cities safe from the worst of Mort's environment. Even so, rain falls on the cities of Mort constantly.

Soft Companies

While SLA Industries maintains an iron grip on the world of progress, there are many pretenders to the throne. Rival companies, known by SLA as Soft Companies, work tirelessly to undermine SLA and bring about its downfall. From sprawling subversive organisations, to elite high-tech paramilitaries, to small back-street industries, the enemies of SLA are many and various.


DarkNight are by far the largest of the Soft Companies, and the biggest thorn in SLA's side. They fight SLA in open ground on the War Worlds, battling on planetary scales with huge armies. They own their own spacecraft with which to harry SLA shipping. They produce vast amounts of hardware and their planets home billions of people. Even so, they are small in comparison to SLA and survive mainly by stealth and concealment. To the average SLA citizen, DarkNight are a terrorist organisation. They live in the cities, spying and subverting. They supply the illegal weapons and drugs and control the black markets. Rarely will DarkNight operate in the open on Mort, preferring guerilla tactics and media subversion. SLA Operatives will encounter DarkNight Operatives and agents most often of the Soft Companies, but often the first they know of the encounter is from the impact of a sniper's bullet.

Soft Companies, War Worlds, Conflict War

SLA Industries

Mr Slayer, oppression, departments, industry



Uptown is the district of Mort that is home to the elite. SLA Headquarters sits in the middle of uptown, a great glass pyramid with its upper floors masked by cloud. Around it, open to the sky and the as yet untainted rain, are the neon malls and shining tower blocks. Uptown rises from ground level, or thereabouts, from the centre of Mort for kilometers into the sky. The skyline is dominated by SLA Headquarters, as indeed is much of the city.


Role, BPNs, reputation, media





Brain Waster

Wraith Raider

