Member Awards

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Every year since 2006 5punk has issued awards to those members who have deserved special recognition for their activities on the site and in game. The format has changed slightly over the years, but winners (and indeed nominees) of any award can be proud to have upheld the 5punky way. More recently awards have also been presented to games which have offered us particularly good entertainment value.

5punker of the Year

The Ty aka Sir Die Aloty 5punker of the Year Award is issued to the member who has been voted as having been the most instrumental in the continuing existence of the community in all forms. On the forums, in games, and indeed in spirit, 5punk is an entity that is not contained in any one medium, and the winner of the award is recognised as the epitome of the our values in any place we are found. The award is named for Ty in recognition of him inventing the ceremonies back in 2006.

2005 - Ty aka Sir Die AloTy / Stoat / Woo Elephant Yeah / Dr. Kitteny Berk (Tie)

2006 - Woo Elephant Yeah

2007 - Fatherjack

2008 - Dog Pants

2009 - Everybody

2010 - Dog Pants

2011 - Dog Pants

2012 - FatherJack / Dog Pants (Tie)

2013 - Dog Pants

Game Categories

5punk Game of the Year

First awarded in 2006, and presented as the Most 5punky Game for 2007, the Game of the Year category has had a patchy takeup. Games winning this award aren't necessarily the best or most successful of the year, but rather the ones which have caused the most 5punky entertainment. Quite often games are nominated because they're hilariously broken, although winners do tend to be good in their own right too.

2005 - Call of Duty 2

2007 5punky Game - Team Fortress 2

2007 Best Game - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

2009 - Burnout Paradise

2010 - Minecraft Beta

2011 - Battlefield 3

2012 - Guild Wars 2

2013 - Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Best First Person Shooter

2007 - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


2007 - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Best Real Time Strategy

2007 - Supreme Commander

Multi Player Game of the Year

2007 - Team Fortress 2

2009 - Burnout Paradise

2010 - Battlefield Bad Company 2

2011 - Battlefield 3

2012 - Planetside 2

Player-driven persistent-world MMOG set in space award

Created as a one off to settle an argument, nonetheless the winner is worthy of recognition as an important game in 5punk's history.

2006 - Eve Online

Single Player Game of the Year

2007 - Portal

2009 - Dragon Age: Origins

2010 - Mass Effect 2

2011 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

2012 - FTL: Faster Than Light

Time Vacuum of the Year

This award was run as a trial and canned after it was found to be a one horse race. In future ceremonies it may make a return if there looks to be some competition. It was unique in that it wasn't nominated, but harvested from X-fire stats for the community group.

2009 - World of Warcraft

Most Anticipated Game of the Year

This award was introduced in 2013 after the rise of Kickstarter and Early Access, or possibly just because someone suggested it and we thought it was a good idea. Either way it's presented to the game 5punkers are most looking forward to.

2013 - Star Citizen / Squadron 42

Member Categories

Deject of the Year

Awarded once only in the first 5punk awards, 2006, the Deject of the Year award was awarded to the most Deject member. Its sole winner has been given a lifetime achievement award of being Deject.

2005 - Deject

Funny Cunt Award

The Funny Cunt award is presented to the member who is voted to have made us laugh the most this year. It's all relative, as none of us are funny, and can turn into a competition between whoever has made the most bad puns and whoever has drawn the most cocks in games. Wait, that is funny. The award is an original category, then called "Most Amusing 5punker of the Year", which vanished for a long time before its resurrection in 2009.

2005 - Mr Bobbins

2009 - Roman Totale

2010 - Roman Totale

2011 - Roman Totale

2012 - Roman Totale / HereComesPete (Tie)

Liver of the Year

The Liver award has remained unchanged since its conception in 2007. It is awarded to the 5punker who has made the most impact through their inebriation, through consumption of heroic quantities or hilarious reaction to it. More often than not both.

2006 - Jockgit

2007 - Jockgit

2008 - Jockgit / Dr. Kitteny Berk / Hehulk (Tie)

2009 - Ty aka Sir Die AloTy / Friznit (Tie)

2010 - Pnut

2011 - FatherJack

Master of Rings

This award is presented to the member who has done the most to promote the forums, arrange games and activities, and generally keep things active. Its origins can be traced back to the original awards when it was presented as the Hero of the Year. It evolved from that into the Pimp of the Year category in 2007, intended as recognition for efforts to recruit new members.

2005 - Woo Elephant Yeah

2006 - Centeredgedesign (Dres)

2007 - Dr. Kitteny Berk

2008 - Joose

2009 - Grimmie

2010 - Grimmie

2011 - Mr Johnson / Dog Pants (Tie)

2012 - Grimmie

Meat Shield

The Meat Shield is awarded to the 5punker who has absorbed the most lead, spent the most time respawning, and has generally upped everyone else's score by being on the receiving end. While other communities may consider this no accolade, 5punkers pride themselves on being shit and not taking things too seriously, and the winner of the Meat Shield is applauded as an example to us all. The origins of the award can be traced to 2005 with the Most Teabagged of the Year category, but were created as they are a few years later in 2008.

2005 - Roman Totale

2008 - Mr Johnson

2009 - Buzzmong

2010 - Pnut

2011 - Pnut

2012 - Pnut

Monkey at a Keyboard

The Monkey award was created in 2007 to recognise the most ham-fisted, unintelligible member on the boards. Nominees had frequently posted such gibberish that we suspected their head-dobber had broken and they were simply mashing the keyboard with their face. The award was retired in 2008 as it was considered a little too derisive, although the two-time winner was delighted at his recognition.

2006 - Ty aka Sir Die AloTy

2007 - Ty aka Sir Die AloTy

Nazi of the Year

First seen in 2006, this award was presented to the most active Grammar Nazi on the forum. Good English is strongly encouraged, but winners of the award went above and beyond in their glorious pedantry. The award was retired in 2008 and given to Eion as a lifetime achievement in 2009 in memory of him.

2006 - Lateralus

2007 - Eion


The OMG HAXXOR award was created in order to seperately recognise gaming ability from creative, and was formerly included in the nominees for the Talented Bastard award. Since 5punkers are all shit, the only explanation for this seeming talent is that the player is hacking. Therefore this is the only award for which the audience is encouraged to boo loudly. Dirty cheaters.

2008 - Gunslinger

2009 - Dog Pants

2010 - Roman Totale

2011 - Deject

2012 - Dog Pants

Spacker of the Year

Seen only in the original 5punk Annual Awards, 2006, this award was presented to the member who had cracked us all up the most by their hapless antics.

2005 - Ty aka Sir Die AloTy

Spammer of the Year

The Spammer of the Year award was created in 2007 to celebrate the member who made the most posts. After two years it because obvious that there was no competition and was awarded to its only winner as a lifetime achievement.

2006 - Dr. Kitteny Berk

2007 - Dr. Kitteny Berk

Talented Bastard

The Talented Bastard category is aimed at members who have displayed enough creative or artistic flair to make the rest of us look like chimps smearing poo on the perspex window of their enclosure. We hate them for making us look bad, but nobody wants to appear bitter so we give them this award. First seen as the Bastard of the Year in 2007, this award is often hotly contested by a small group of talented nominees. When it first appeared in 2006 it included gaming talent, which was later separated into the OMG HAXXOR award.

2006 - Grimmie / Gunslinger (Tie)

2007 - Grimmie

2008 - Stoat

2009 - Dog Pants / Joose / HereComesPete (Tie)

2010 - Grimmie

2011 - Grimmie / Baliame / Dog Pants (Tie)

2012 - Grimmie

Vampire of the Year

Originally presented in 2007 as the Most Potential As A Vampire, this is awarded to the member who has spent lots of time at ungodly hours playing games.

2006 - Hehulk

2007 - Dr. Kitteny Berk

2008 - Dr. Kitteny Berk

2009 - Akiakaiu

2010 - Killavodka

2011 - Killavodka

2012 - Pnut

Other Categories

Line of the Year

This award was created for the original awards only and nominations included phrases that launched popular memes and a few choice comments from people which had stuck in memory.

2005 - Werd to Deject's Mother

Award Threads

Nominations 2005

Nominations 2006

Nominations 2007

Nominations 2008

Meat Shield 2009 Nominations/Votes

Master of Rings 2009 Nominations/Votes

Funny Cunt 2009 Nominations/Votes

5punker of the Year 2009 Nominations/Votes

Game of the Year 2009 Nominations/Votes

MP Game of the Year 2009 Nominations/Votes

OMG HAXXOR 2009 Nominations/Votes

Liver of the Year 2009 Nominations/Votes

Vampire award 2009 Nominations/Votes

Bastard of the Year 2009 Nominations/Votes

SP Game of the Year 2009 Nominations/Votes

5punk Awards 2009

Funny Cunt 2010 Nominations/Votes

Game of the Year 2010 Nominations/Votes

Liver of the Year 2010 Nominations/Votes

MP Game of the Year 2010 Nominations/Votes

5punker of the Year 2010 Nominations/Votes

OMG HAXXOR 2010 Nominations/Votes

Master of Rings 2010 Nominations/Votes

Meat Shield 2010 Nominations/Votes

Vampire Award 2010 Nominations/Votes

Bastard of the Year 2010 Nominations/Votes

SP Game of the Year 2010 Nominations/Votes

5punk Awards 2010

Liver of the Year 2011 Nominations/Votes

Meat Shield 2011 Nominations/Votes

Funny Cunt 2011 Nominations/Votes

Talented Bastard 2011 Nominations/Votes

OMG Haxxor 2011 Nominations/Votes

Master of Rings 2011 Nominations/Votes

Vampire of the Year 2011 Nominations/Votes

SP Game of the Year 2011 Nominations/Votes

MP Game of the Year 2011 Nominations/Votes

Game of the Year 2011 Nominations/Votes

5punker of the Year 2011 Nominations/Votes

5punk Awards 2011

Funny Cunt 2012 Nominations/Votes

OMG Haxxor 2012 Nominations/Votes

Talented Bastard 2012 Nominations/Votes

Meat Shield 2012 Nominations/Votes

Master of Rings 2012 Nominations/Votes

Liver of the Year 2012 Nominations/Votes

Vampire of the Year 2012 Nominations/Votes

SP Game of the year 2012 Nominations/Votes

MP Game of the Year 2012 Nominations/Votes

Game of the Year 2012 Nominations/Votes

5punker of the Year 2012 Nominations/Votes

5punk Awards 2012