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Players take the role of Operatives. Ops, while technically freelance, take jobs only from SLA in the form of Blueprint News Files (BPNs). These jobs are colour coded to indicate the type of mission, and upon completion will provide the Op with payment and a Security Clearance Level (SCL) increase. The majority of the civilian population an Op meets will be downtrodden, poor, unemployed, and loyal to only themselves. They are suspicious of Operatives and jealous of their money and power, which can often be a hinderance in an investigation. This can be a severe disadvantage to obvious SLA employees, such as aliens and Stormers.



Billions of humans live in the World of Progress. They are the soldiers, the administrators, the cleaners, the police, the unemployed. They are the most versatile race in the World of Progress and as such are prolific. Humans are by far the most common race of Operative, not only because there are so many in proportion to the other races, but because they blend in and adapt. They can be intelligent, subtle, and nondescript. They can be tough, strong and brutal.


While physically human, Frothers have enhanced their bodies and reflexes through the use of powerful drugs. Loud, aggressive, cocky and rowdy, Frothers aren't the most social people to be found in Mort. They do make excellent fighters though. Socially, Frothers form into close celt-like clans with whom they can relax (read: drink and fight) without the hassle of having people around who would almost certainly object to their behaviour. Many frothers are born that way, addicted from the start, these are usually the 'Clan' Frothers employed by SLA Industries, Darknight make more use of the Frothers 'made' by years of substance abuse, who have nowhere left to turn.

Brain Waster

Brain Wasters are from the same genetic stock as Ebons (indeed, often from Ebon parents), but psychologically are very different. Wasters are violent, antisocial and sadistic bullies who delight in causing pain and misery. They dress to enhance their reputation, usually wearing leather and chains. Unlike Ebons, Wasters generally have pure black hair and evil coloured eyes. Their eyes are further enhanced by the scorch marks that surround them from birth. Wasters have the same Ebb abilities as Ebons, but tend to choose more combat orientated ones that they can use to inflict damage, pain and fear.

Wraith Raider

Wraith Raiders are cat-like aliens who originate from an icy home world. They are efficient and ruthless hunters, equally at home with a sniper rifle or a pair of vibro claws. Their speed and agility make them perfect close combatants, and their stealth and athleticism make them excellent scouts. Raiders often seem like lone-wolves, frequently operating away from their squads as they observe proceedings from a rooftop or walkway, but as intelligent hunters they know the value of their team mates. As such, while rarely loyal or sociable, Wraith Raiders are generally welcome members of any squads and many a Frother or Brain Waster has endlessly taunted a quiet Raider companion, only to find their life saved by a sniper's bullet in the middle of combat.

Training Package

Hit Squad Package

  • Auto Support (Phys)
  • Blade 1H (Str)
  • Rifle (Dex)
  • DarkNight Info (Know)
  • Running (Phys)
  • Unarmed Combat (Str)

Close Quarters Package

  • Acrobatics (Phys)
  • Blade 1-H (Str)
  • Climb (Phys)
  • Martial Arts (Dex)
  • Pistol (Dex)
  • Running (Phys)

Undercover Package

  • Computer Use (Dia)
  • Computer Subterfuge (Know)
  • DarkNight Info (Know)
  • Photography (Conc)
  • Rival (SLA)
  • Company Info (Know)
  • Sneaking (Dex)

Op Support Package

  • Auto Support (Phys)
  • Drive, Civillian (Conc)
  • Drive, Military (Conc)
  • Mechanics, Repair (Know)
  • Paramedic (Diag)
  • Pistol (Dex)

Sabotage Package

  • Demolitions (Diag)
  • Electronics, Industrial (Diag)
  • Electronics, Repair (Know)
  • Pistol (Dex)
  • Rival (SLA) Company Info (Know)
  • Throw (Phys)








Operative Ranks

  • Conscript
  • Subversive
    • Fifth Class
    • Fourth Class
    • Third Class
    • Second Class
    • First Class
  • Insurgent
    • Fourth Class
    • Third Class
    • Second Class
    • First Class
  • Interceptor
    • Third Class
    • Second Class
    • First Class
  • Espionage Agent