Shadowrunners Gear

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Gear! You need it, whatever kind of character you play. Some need more, some need less, but all of you will have some. With such an over-abundance of choice in the Shadowrun world, its easy to get confused, miss stuff or just not realise that something is awesome. So here is a little something to get you on your way.


I'll start off with some things that no runner should be without.

  • Comlink - Without one, your character cant be contacted for jobs, cant read data sent to them about jobs, and is much harder to pay. Also, without a comlink, a lot of your other gear wont work properly. Unless you are a hacker, you dont need to spend a fortune on it, but you do need to get one.
  • DocWagon contract - Not as essential, but still damn useful.


  • Hot Sim - Not essential, bt the +2 is very useful in the Matrix, the downside only maters if you get caght.


  • Tailored Pheremones are almost a must. They are dead handy, adding a positive modifier to nearly everything a Face does.
  • Some sort of disguise. Its far easier to not give a shit about getting caught on camera than turning them off (easily noticed) or deleting the footage (not always possible). good old fashioned latex will work, but nanopaste is better.
  • Fake SINS. Many fake SINs. As many as you can afford, at as high a rating as you can afford. As a face, you will burn your SINs faster than any other character, and you don't want to suddenly find yourself burning your last one.
  • Retinal duplication. Fake your way through eye-scanners, and sits in a cybereye, which is hardly going to panic security of the 2070's
  • Bioware. If you want to beef up your character in any way, get the bioware option. Cyberwear can be detected by MAD scanners, cyberwear implant scanners and mages. Bioware can only be detected by mages, and even then its a shitload harder than detecting cyberwear. Remember, Faces are all about the subtle.


  • Control Rig. Technically, you can be a rigger without one, but +2 on all vehicle tests for 10k is not to be sniffed at.


Street Sam

  • Extra IP's. It doesn't matter if you are a shooty type, a stabby type, or a punchy type. If you are going into combat, you need more than one IP, or you will be creamed.
