Troubleshooter Creation
[hide]Creating a Troubleshooter
Players will have varying control over the creation of their characters, depending on the style of game and the GM. An Excel version of the Paranoia character sheet can be found here
Method 1: Pregenerated
Pregenerated characters wil be completely created by the GM or the writer of the mission. This is usually done to write character specific events into the missions, which creates a more involved game. However, it can alienate players from their characters.
Method 2: Semi-pregenerated
Semi pregenerated characters are partially created by the GM; random rolls are rolled randomly, or not so randomly, but players are given control over certain aspects of their character. This allows the GM to write the characters into a mission while retaining a connection with the player.
- Step 1:
Choose a character. The GM wil issue a set of anonymous characters to be chosen at random. It doesn't matter which one you select.
- Step 2:
Have a look at the character. Some parts will be filled in; name, Service Firm, Secret Society (SecSoc), Mutation, and a few others. Look at the skill scores, the SecSoc, and anything else that might influence your character's personality. Use these to develop a rough character, which you will use to decide what to do in the later steps.
- Step 3:
Choose your common specialities. These are the skills listed under the categories, and are specialisations. You can have up to six of these, in addition to the common speciality Energy Weapons. A common speciality adds 4 to the base skill (listed at the top of the category), but must be balanced out by a common weakness skill in the same category, which will have a rating of 1. Furthermore, a character may have up to six narrow specialities. These add 6 to the particular skill, but only in a very specific situation, and do not have a corresponding weakness. These do not have to be taken right away; they can be saved and used when a situation presents itself (at the discretion of the GM). Examples include Punching windowcleaning Scrubots, bootlicking Desmond-B-GOP, or habitat engineering - fixing the leaky toilet in my old INFRARED dorm.
- Step 4:
Choose a tic or two. A tic is an affliction that affects your character's behaviour and makes them distinctly and unmistakably them. Something like ridiculous overconfidence, saying 'like' at the end of every sentence, or constantly mistaking bots for team members. Each tic awards an extra 10 starting Perversion points.
Method 3: Player created
In this method the player has almost full control over the creation of their character. Making their own rolls and choices and presenting them to the GM. Who will probably change it.