* Use Acronis TrueImage(easy but commercial) or [http://www.runtime.org/dixml.htm DriveImageXML] (free) and keep a backup of your C drive to an external drive! Keep it updated at least once a month (this step alone will save you huge amounts of grief). If using Acronis then create a bootable CD, if using DriveImageXML then get yourself the relevant BartPE plugin. (See below) | * Use Acronis TrueImage(easy but commercial) or [http://www.runtime.org/dixml.htm DriveImageXML] (free) and keep a backup of your C drive to an external drive! Keep it updated at least once a month (this step alone will save you huge amounts of grief). If using Acronis then create a bootable CD, if using DriveImageXML then get yourself the relevant BartPE plugin. (See below) |