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Harder, Better, Faster, S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Posted: July 15th, 2007, 10:58
by MrGreen
Speed it up!
As you know, if you have a reasonably old graphics card, you're fucked if you want to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R, but there is a solution, this is especially great on Fista rigs as well.
What you need to do
Get a small download from <a href="">here</a> and <a href="">here</a>.
Extractificate its content into a tersely-named folder in your C:\root (eg. Fix)
Then copy XR_3dA.exe (make a back-up first) from the 'bin' folder in your install dictionary into it.
Click start, search for 'command', when Command Promp comes up right click it and select 'run as administrator'
Type 'cd\' press enter and type 'cd fix' (or whatever you called the folder), press enter again then type 'editbin.exe/LARGEADRESSAWARE XR_3DA.exe'. Press enter then type 'BCDEDIT /set increaseuserva 2900' Type 'exit', hit enter then copy the XR_3da.exe back into the /bin folder in your S.T.A.L.K.E.R directories.
AFAIK this works.
Posted: July 15th, 2007, 19:24
by deject
does anyone know what this does exactly?
Posted: July 15th, 2007, 19:25
by MrGreen
deject wrote:does anyone know what this does exactly?
Short answer:
Long answer:
No; possibly pixies.
Posted: July 15th, 2007, 22:17
by buzzmong
I'd say it alters the game's shaders, that seems quite common for stalker performance mods.
Posted: July 15th, 2007, 22:19
by Dr. kitteny berk
Code: Select all
This is for intermediate to advanced Windows users.
This will enable SupCom to use over 2GB of memory in the application space. it uses conventional tools using a batch file so everyone can see nothing hokie goes on.
This tool will automatically set the header in the supremecommander.exe so that it can address more than 2GB memory.
Normally XP will only address up to 2GB memory for applications and 2Gb for the kernel.
If we add a boot.ini switch /3GB, then XP is allowed to address up to 3GB for applications.
But unfortunately only applications that are enabled with "IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE" header can utilize more than 2GB of the space.
I highly recommend you look at some official information here at microsoft:
First you need to tell XP that it can use more than 2GB of RAM for applications.
Manually edit your boot.ini file by adding " /3GB /Userva=2900" to your boot.ini (no quotes). Your boot.ini is normally read only and you will need to change that temporarily while you edit it.
To Edit it manually you can find it on the root of your system drive or
go to system properties/advanced tab, settings under 'startup and recovery' section, then hit edit.
Mine looks like: multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows XP Professional" /FASTDETECT /NOEXECUTE=OPTIN /3GB /Userva=2900
Yours maybe different, the only thing you should change is add /3GB /Userva=2900.
Now for the tool to enable the supreme commander exe to use more than 2GB...
*** Important: First make a backup original of you supremecommander.exe, by renaming the copy to supremecommander.exe.original ***
The tool will add the "LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE" header for you to your executable.
Copy supremecommander.exe to this folder.
Doubleclick startme.bat then the menu walks you through.
1) Hit the A key to add the large address header.
2) press any key to continue.
3) When back at main menu click 'v' to output the headers in text so you can see the values.
4) Now you can check to see if it is enabled. Scroll to the top and look for section "FILE HEADER VALUES". Look for a line in that section that says "Application can handle large (>2GB) addresses". It's the tenth line down in that section. If you see that line then the executable is now enabled for >2GB, you are done.
5) Copy the enabled supremecommander.exe back to your supremecommander\bin folder.
6) To avoid any strange issues with future patches, I suggest you rename your 3GB capable supremecommander.exe to something else like SupremeCommander3GB.exe, then make a shortcut to it on your desktop. In the meanwhile, keep the original where it belongs and you will avoid any possible patching or online issues. If you do want 3GB capability against another player then you will need to have the 3GB executable named as the original supremecommander.exe (keep a backup of the original).
At anytime if you want to remove the large address header then you can restore you original backed up exe or use the app and use the Remove function and it will remove the header. Once you run (R) to remove the header you have the original exe back, the MD5 hashes do match.
No strange side effects have been witnessed, but glad I can play some big games now.
Posted: July 15th, 2007, 22:45
by deject
so really, this only helps if you have more than 2GB or RAM then?
Posted: July 15th, 2007, 22:49
by Dr. kitteny berk
yup, and the
bit is Fista only...