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World Of Warcraft Beta Sign-ups coming soon

Posted: October 28th, 2004, 15:03
by Woo Elephant Yeah

Go to for more details, as I expect this is going to be one of the biggest RTS games ever made, judging by how long they've been making the thing! :shock:

Posted: October 28th, 2004, 15:14
by Joose
ye gods, that *still* hasnt been released?
I was quite excited, but ive kind of lost interest due to the aaaaggeee its been in development. Ah well..


woohoo! yeah! kickass!

as an aside note, i got accepted for the beta of a game that sounds not unlike "Mate! Ricks on-line" (their NDA says that you cant even tell people you are *on* the beta. Sod em). Alas, as i currently have zero funds in my bank account, and my business account card hasnt come through yet, i cant get validated to actually play the damn thing :cry:

Im getting into this beta testing thing.
(was on the rhyzom beta. Its like everquest, but prettier and with less people. I got bored.)

Re: World Of Warcraft Beta Sign-ups coming soon

Posted: October 28th, 2004, 15:44
by StickFigureNinja
Woo Elephant Yeah wrote:one of the biggest RTS games ever made
I'd agree, except for the tiny problem that it's not an RTS.

Posted: October 28th, 2004, 15:51
by Woo Elephant Yeah
I knew that, I was just ummmm... erm..... yes, I was just testing you :roll:

*licks window*