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Laptop Thief May Get Life

Posted: June 30th, 2007, 16:00
by News Reader
Image Laptop Thief May Get Life
This morning's Moron of the Day award goes to to this gentleman who thought it wise to steal a laptop from a woman he met on a dating site, wipe it, put his username on it, then pawn it. The person also has two strikes against him, so he could be going to prison for a long time.

The lesson for daters: If your inaugural encounter with an online paramour begins with a request for money and accolades for your laptop, move on. The lesson for thieves: If you steal your Net paramour's laptop, under California's three-strikes law you could be facing life in prison.


Publish Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 07:06:00 CDT

Source: [H]ardOCP News/Article Feed
Description: News/Article Feed for [H]ardOCP

Posted: June 30th, 2007, 16:16
by Killavodka
two strikes, 3 strikes? They turned the US legal system into a game of Baseball?

Posted: June 30th, 2007, 17:10
by HereComesPete
Im guessing it makes for better viewing on the tellybox. Although baseball is to us what cricket is to merkins, unfathomable.