Well, we're only internet-friends on here so we might not really exist. Apart from the guys at the bashes. I know Berk exists because he nearly broke my thumb.
Apart from that, talk away dear boy. I've chatted to you on xfire a couple of times, so welcome to the forums.
Asking people to be your friends on the internet would usually end in disaster or humiliation, or disasterous humiliation.
Good job we're all friendly 5punkers so we can bum you
If you havn't gathered by now, bumming is a socially acceptable form of greeting in 5punkland
I think (we were both very drunk) I questioned his ability to apply subdual techniques at the Grim-bash. He proved me wrong by demonstrating how correct pressure applied to someone's thumb could put them on the floor. I seem to remember though that I demonstrated how while this may be effective it isn't entirely painless to the subduer, by getting several punches to the ribs in on the way down. All in good humour though
Dog Pants wrote:I think (we were both very drunk) I questioned his ability to apply subdual techniques at the Grim-bash. He proved me wrong by demonstrating how correct pressure applied to someone's thumb could put them on the floor. I seem to remember though that I demonstrated how while this may be effective it isn't entirely painless to the subduer, by getting several punches to the ribs in on the way down. All in good humour though