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TwoStick text entry system speeds up console keyboarding

Posted: June 25th, 2007, 16:00
by News Reader
Image TwoStick text entry system speeds up console keyboarding
Filed under: Gaming

While it seems like voice chat has taken over as the dominant trash-talk medium for online console gaming, there's still a lot of tedious onscreen keyboarding to be done -- entering Wii friend codes leaps to mind, for one. With any luck, those chores will be made easier in the future with the TwoStick system recently developed in Vienna. The system assigns characters to a Sodoku-like 9x3 grid, letting the user select a quadrant with the left stick and select a letter from within the quadrant with the right. According to the developers, TwoStick users are around 2 words per minute faster than regular on-screen keyboarders after just a little practice. No word on if we might see the system hit the current-gen systems, but we're definitely holding out hope for the 720 and PS4. Peep a video of TwoStick in action after the break.

[Via Joystiq]

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Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!

Author: Nilay Patel
Category: controllerplaystation 3Playstation3ps3text inputTextInputwiixbox 360Xbox360
Publish Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:09:00 EST

Source: Engadget
Description: Engadget

Posted: June 26th, 2007, 0:26
by FatherJack
That's pretty clever. The one the Wii has with a TXT keypad's quite good too.

Posted: June 26th, 2007, 1:02
by HereComesPete
this would be a massve help, typing in credit cards and gamertags etc takes forever. Im sure the n64 had a similar thing on it though?

Posted: June 26th, 2007, 12:16
by Lee
Didn't killzone do this on the PS2 years ago?