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Wii websites and stuff

Posted: June 18th, 2007, 16:42
by Woo Elephant Yeah
Okay, now I have connected to the internet and downloaded the internet channel, what's next?

What sites do I need to register with, plus I've heard you can register your games online, and receive star points which are rumoured to be swappable with Wii points in the future.

How does the friend code system work?

I'm sure I could work all this out if I wanted to, but that would involve going back in the loft to get the Wii box out and reading the instructions :lol:

Also, a nice listing of Wii friendly sites might be a good idea as well.
Once we have a nice how to with useful links and info, I'll knock up a post and hopefully one of you gracious mods can sticky it :)

Re: Wii websites and stuff

Posted: June 18th, 2007, 17:14
by Stoat
Woo Elephant Yeah wrote:Okay, now I have connected to the internet and downloaded the internet channel, what's next?
I don't use Wiiinternet much, but I suppose is as good a place to start as any. Oh, and .
Woo Elephant Yeah wrote:What sites do I need to register with, plus I've heard you can register your games online, and receive star points which are rumoured to be swappable with Wii points in the future.
No idea. I got the impression the points were only useful if you've been saving them since Tetris came out, but I could be mistaken.
Woo Elephant Yeah wrote:How does the friend code system work?
You put our numbers in your Address Book and wait. Not tried any online games yet, so I don't know how that works...

Posted: June 18th, 2007, 17:23
by Dog Pants
The stars, or points, or whatever, can be used to buy games and windows backgrounds and stuff. All the games are sold out though and all that's left are phone stuff and wallpapers.

Posted: June 18th, 2007, 18:49
by Grimmie Is where you sign up for Nintendo Club VIP. Just register and put in one of your game codes.
Wii sports and Zelda come with a code on a piece of scratch-off paper.. Stuff.
Gain stars, wait for them to become wii points currency.

Shove numbers in your address book and hit us untill we add you back - Once you're 'mutual friends' then things will start-a-happenin'.

Posted: June 18th, 2007, 18:52
by TezzRexx
Grimmie wrote: Is where you sign up for Nintendo Club VIP.

"Pokémon stickers?! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

Posted: June 18th, 2007, 19:09
by FatherJack
The only decent things ever redeemable with stars are games, for typically 5,000 stars, and they very quickly "sell out".

I've been registering stars since the Gamecube was teh fanceh, and have only 3,500 of them, so basically all I can get as reward for the many £100s spent are ringtones and wallpaper - both of which cost Nintendo practically nothing.

A 1:1 stars:wiipoint ratio would represent a okay deal, but I highly doubt it given their previous generosity, and now they are changing the "Agreement" such than as of July, stars have a 1-year lifetime before expiring, I don't see how it's actually possible to attain 5,000 of them.