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Investment in disguise?

Posted: June 11th, 2007, 14:45
by The Incredible...
I was a big transformers fan when i was younger but at some point sold all my transformers at a boot sale.

Little did i know some of them are actually quite valuable these days - i once saw a powermaster optimus prime (which i used to have) in a geeky comic/collectibles store for £90!

I watcehd the old transformers movie recently and have become hooked on them, again to teh extent that i have bought a few of the toys.

With the new movie coming out i thought i'd go and buy the movie leader action figures from teh film, so i just bought optimus prime and megatron for a total of £60 from toysrus (i know, OMGWASTEOFMONEY)

My realy point is that I'm now wondering whether i should maybe leave them boxed and wait till the film comes out and sell them fro profit when the screaming bratty kids find they have sold out in the shops and mummy and daddy want to shut them up

Posted: June 11th, 2007, 14:47
by Woo Elephant Yeah
Yup, leave them boxed then sale them on ebay if there is a shortage 8)

Posted: June 11th, 2007, 14:51
by Dog Pants
My dad kept the boxes for all the Star Wars stuff I had when I was a kid. He found them all recently and threw them away because I'd trashed the toys long ago. I'm sure they'd have brought something on eBay because of all the toys without boxes. Some fucker in a recycling plant probably has a PS3 now :roll:

Posted: June 11th, 2007, 14:54
by The Incredible...
i'm sucha a big fucking kid, i don't think i can resist them for a month or so. I don't know squat about collectibles and stuff, i'm wondering if i take them out of the boxes really carefully and keep all the bits and pieces and put them in the boxes before selling them will i still be able to rake in the profits?

also regarding boxes dog pants, i would suspect that the boxes themselves would fetch a bit, cos there are probably collectors out there who have done the revers, and kept the toys in good condition but lost the packaging and would therefore have paid good money to complete their collection

Posted: June 11th, 2007, 14:59
by spoodie
I bought a Jazz toy a few years ago, from here. Not the original but a re-issue. It's exactly the same as when I was a kid but I never had one then and that was the one I always wanted. It scarred me for life.


Posted: June 11th, 2007, 15:01
by Dog Pants
I got a big die-cast Ecto 1 from Mrs Pants for my birthday last year (I stood in the shop and loudly declared I wanted it until she bought it for me), and I've tried to keep it in the box. I have to admit taking it out and driving it around the carpet a bit when I got it though. It was ace, I was making the noises and everything.

Posted: June 11th, 2007, 15:13
by The Incredible...
a few weeks ago i bought the 20th anniversary optimus prime. it was £50 which i will admit is a lot for a toy, but to be fair it is a DAMN good toy and imho well worth it

the thing is i have always been fairly careful with my toys, not one of these kids that will rip the box open and tehn lose half the bits in five minutes flat. getting optimus out of the box was a massive chore, he was held in very securely with about 20 odd plastic ties, but i painstakingly undid every one by hand and put them back where they came from when i was done, so that if i ever want to sell it i can put it back pretty muc exactly as it was in the shop. so what i'm wthinking is i could take the new ones out, play with them a bit andd then box them up and sell them, in as good as new condition

Posted: June 11th, 2007, 15:15
by FatherJack
What's the point of toys in boxes? You can't play with them!

Posted: June 11th, 2007, 15:50
by The Incredible...
you're right, and i bought the movie ones to play with. but on my way back i thought, what with being a just about to graduate student with debts hanging over me, i might be able to make a bit of money if i hang on to them and sell them.

Ideally i would buy 2 sets of any toy i wanted, one to be played with, one to be sold when the shops run out and the parents want to shut the kids up, no matter what the cost. But as i said before, i don't know squat about what's collectible and desirable and i don't know for sure that these toys will increase in value. They're normally £40 each which is quite steep and may limit the demand somewhat, i don't really know. so i figure i'll probably open them and play with them but be very careful not to damage them at all and to keep the packaging in perfect condition as best as possible, so if i do find they are going for a lot on ebay in amonth or so i can cash in

Posted: June 11th, 2007, 16:29
by SquinteyeMckneecap
I know somebody who deals in collectibles, he checks what's going for decent money on eBay then goes to LOADS of car-boots and buys stuff to sell.

He's had loads of stuff, action figures, every type of rubics cube (flat ones and pyramid ones etc) yo-yo's (can you beleive that some people will pay up to £250 for a yo-yo!!!).

It's weird sometimes what's worth £££ and what's not, sometimes the stuff you think will be worth £££ ain't.

I'm keeping my vintage gaming collection for later years:

Atari 2600 + 14 Games
NES + 25 Games + Gun
SNES + 50 Games + Bazooka
Commodore C64 + 150 Games + Gun
Commodore Amiga 500 with loads of stuff
Spectrum 48k + 30 Games
Amstrad GX4000 Games Console + 5 games

(All very sad! But one day will hopefully be worth something!)

Takes up laods of room, and the only one I play semi-regular is Duck-hunt on the NES when I'm in the house with some mates, can't beat it.....

Squinty ;)

Posted: June 11th, 2007, 16:32
by The Incredible...
that seems like a great idea, but i wouldn't know how to start researching it. surely you can't just go through every listing on ebay?

as for consoles i usually sell my old one to buy the new one.

sold master system to get a megadrive
sold megadrive for a playstation
sold my playstation to get a ps2, although i did keep some of my favourite ps1 games
and i will sell my ps2 when i get a ps3

though i do have both a wii and a gamecube, but i might give the cube to my girlfriend

Posted: June 11th, 2007, 16:42
by Chickenz
I got a load of Evangelion models after getting hooked on the series. Bought one for £40 and watched the same type fetch £170 on ebay a few months ago. Gonna keep them intact for a while.

Posted: June 11th, 2007, 16:47
by Woo Elephant Yeah
The only thing I have that's collectible are these guys, and I don't play with them, or keep them in boxes, I sit them on my shelf because they look good :lol:


Posted: June 11th, 2007, 17:07
by Mr. Johnson
M4niachicken wrote:I got a load of Evangelion models after getting hooked on the series. Bought one for £40 and watched the same type fetch £170 on ebay a few months ago. Gonna keep them intact for a while.
i remember going into a mangashop-thing in brussels once with a bloke from turkey, he was only here for a year, and it was almost time for him to go back home, so i decided to buy him a present, and there was this cat-like figure from the blue haired girl he wanted, so i decided to get it for him. in the end however, i was so ashamed i ended up giving him the money and asked him to buy it himself. a lovely bloke, but he took it a bit too seriously, and even referred to my ladyfriend as asuka, because she's ginger.

Posted: June 11th, 2007, 21:50
by FatherJack
I have been tempted by action figures for a while. At first I think "pah bit geeky", then I go to some random website and before long I'm like "ohh, Tifa" , "omg Mamimi", "ehh Sumomo". Then it gets a bit "I wonder if they've got..." and "oh dear, that's a bit dirty".

Usually the afternoon is over then and I have failed to buy anything because of too much choice.

Games-wise I've always been a bit of a collector. If something's not easily obtainable on release, chances are it'll be a rare classic. Done it since the Megadrive days, and have a bunch of rare titles I'll never sell, plus my Pokémon N64 which is surely worth a mint, particularly since it's got the virtually obtainable memory unit in it.

After Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel (PS2) atm, and one of them :above: what my avatar is currently. A fluffy headcrab would be nice, too.