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Homeworld 2

Posted: May 30th, 2007, 11:18
by Grimmie
Anyone have this?
Freshly acquired this from a surface steeped in dust with the use of my fancy sweeping machine.

Beards in space 3D Real time strategy with minimal building and resource management.
Most of the game is deciding what units to make and where to send them on the 3D map.
Rather good singleplayer campaign, and potential for 5punky nonsense multiplayer.

Posted: May 30th, 2007, 11:48
by buzzmong
I have it, not right next to me as it's 5ish miles away in another house, but I think I've got my personal use only copy of my original game cd somewhere next to me.

It was rather good.

Posted: May 30th, 2007, 12:04
by Anhamgrimmar
i have it thrice. got 3 boxes all sat next to each other, but i can only find one key, and no cds at all. the FLOOROTRON!