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Your Mom And Gaming

Posted: May 13th, 2007, 7:00
by News Reader
Image Your Mom And Gaming
Tomorrow is Mother's Day in the US, and Newsweek's N'Gai Croal rightly estimates that many gamers owe a lot to their mothers. Because they indulged what they likely initially saw as a strange choice of hobby, we have a thriving gaming industry to enjoy today. The Level Up site offers an interview with a woman on the Newsweek staff who learned to tolerate those 'console things', and another piece where N'Gai interviews his own mom about his games-related past. "N'Gai: Growing up, you allowed us kids to have a computer, but we weren't allowed to have a videogame machine. What was your thinking behind that? Yvonne Croal: Well, in my estimation at that time, videogames were just another silly game. We certainly didn't want you to be spending 24/7 playing these games that we considered not productive in any way." If you're still looking for a gift for your own mom, Pop Cap is giving away a free copy of Bejeweled to anyone that signs up for their newsletter. Worked on my mom. Happy Mother's Day.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.


Author: Zonk
Category: games

Source: Slashdot: Games
Description: News for nerds, stuff that matters

Posted: May 13th, 2007, 13:19
by Fear
I did this!

For Mothers Day (UK so in March or something) I got my Mum the Pop Cap packages as she likes simple puzzle type games.

Bejewelled is by far her favourite

It is probably the most used/enjoyed present I've given someone for ages.

Posted: May 13th, 2007, 13:20
by Fear
Ok, edit doesn't work in this forum, so I can't correct the link. :?

-in what way does it not work? /*mod test*/

Posted: May 13th, 2007, 13:55
by spoodie
There you go, knock yourself out.

Posted: May 13th, 2007, 17:37
by ProfHawking
that is mighty expensive. didn't someone carelessly let it fall to the floor some time back?

Posted: May 13th, 2007, 19:45
by FatherJack
My Mum likes puzzly games, but she unfortunately has the same addictive personality as I do, and has only recently recovered from a serious Freecell addiction. I'm relunctant to introduce her to anything remotely related to online gaming in case she discovers the online poker sites and fritters away my inheritance.

Posted: May 13th, 2007, 20:10
by Anhamgrimmar
FatherJack wrote:My Mum likes puzzly games, but she unfortunately has the same addictive personality as I do, and has only recently recovered from a serious Freecell addiction. I'm relunctant to introduce her to anything remotely related to online gaming in case she discovers the online poker sites and fritters away my inheritance.
*cough*EVE*cough* :lol:

Posted: May 14th, 2007, 15:39
by Woo Elephant Yeah
ProfHawking wrote:that is mighty expensive. didn't someone carelessly let it fall to the floor some time back?
No, absolutely not!*

*yes it was me, xfire me if you see me, and I'll send it to you