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Posted: October 20th, 2004, 21:02
by Joose
Finding a server for UT that doesnt involve donwloading a squillion meg of wierd addons is proving increasingly difficult. How much does it cost to hire a server?
Sufficiently low that we could manage it with a few donations?

And if so, how many of us would be interested? i certainly would.


Posted: October 20th, 2004, 22:58
by Rathen
Definetely up for it.

Only if we can password it and stop outsiders using it. I realised I don't really like UT with all that bunnyhopping around. It just gets silly - no skill, just a case of who can press jump quickest.

Posted: October 21st, 2004, 11:16
by Woo Elephant Yeah
I can find out, but we really need to decide on a game we all want to play.
At the moment it seems most people have either Call Of Duty or UT2004.

I would definately prefer to pay to play on a COD server, as opposed to an UT2004 one.

Until there are more members actively using 5punk, I think the costs could be pretty high.

This is definately something I want to look into in the future, but like I said, we need more people on here first, plus, we need to decide what game everybody prefers? :?:

I will be posting a few polls soon to find out exactly what us 5punkers want from this site, so don't panic Mr Mannering.

Thanks for the suggestion though, anyone else have any thoughts about the above?

Re: Yes

Posted: October 21st, 2004, 12:02
by newg
Rathen wrote:Definetely up for it.

Only if we can password it and stop outsiders using it. I realised I don't really like UT with all that bunnyhopping around. It just gets silly - no skill, just a case of who can press jump quickest.
I agree on the bunnyhopping around, this is one of the main reasons i play assault.

We should have a big assault game, i'm sure you'll all love it, it's very team-oriented.

I've also heard some good things about onslaught. we should give all game modes a go before we write of UT2004.

Re: Yes

Posted: October 21st, 2004, 14:48
by Joose
newg wrote:I've also heard some good things about onslaught. we should give all game modes a go before we write of UT2004.
Onslaught am all the woo, and has vehicles as a major element. Means that theres a lot less of the bouncy bouncy. I like it a lot, probably the best of the UT game modes, in my opinion.

Posted: October 21st, 2004, 15:03
by newg
yes, assault is heavy on the vehicles as well.

it's very popular, so people are designing new maps all the time, and new vehicles even.

a fair few assault maps focus entirely on vehicles, i.e junkyard for example, you have to acquire a power source then escape in the vehicle.

Posted: October 27th, 2004, 11:54
by Woo Elephant Yeah
I can get a 10 player COD:UO private server for ?83.75 a year


a 10 player UT2004 private server for ?197.6 a year

As you can see, the COD pricing scheme is extremely good, and only works out at ?7 per month.

Well anyway, let me know if any of you would be interested in this. 8)

Posted: October 27th, 2004, 12:20
by Joose
that'd be cool, if only i had COD:UO :(

feel free to mentally and physically abuse me if this is a really retarded question, but what is to stop us hosting games of, for instance, UT2004 on our computers?

Is it a question of bandwidth? or processing power?

Posted: October 27th, 2004, 12:54
by Woo Elephant Yeah
More bandwidth than anything.

The major problem with most home users ISP's is that they retsrict your UP speed to only 256K

I have 768k speed Cable for example, but my maximum upload speed is only 256k

Upload speed is more important on a game server, as obviously it's constantly uploading data to all the gamers connected.

I think just having about 3 or possibly 4 people on my connection would be playable, but any more, and then things would get a bit laggy. :D

I'm up for giving it a go fi anyone is interested :?:

P.S. Buy COD:UO, it's the dogs dangly bits :lol:

Posted: October 30th, 2004, 17:08
by electrolaze

Re: Yes

Posted: October 30th, 2004, 18:18
by StickFigureNinja
Joose wrote:
newg wrote:I've also heard some good things about onslaught. we should give all game modes a go before we write of UT2004.
Onslaught am all the woo, and has vehicles as a major element. Means that theres a lot less of the bouncy bouncy. I like it a lot, probably the best of the UT game modes, in my opinion.
I only tend to play Onslaught, and in all the time I'veplayed it since release there's only a few things I've had to download from servers, and that's either:
a)a map I don't have
b)a mutator that checks your skin to see if you;re cheating
c)a logo for the server you're using to be displayed at starting up.

Posted: October 30th, 2004, 18:34
by StickFigureNinja
I think it's because they got Onslaught so right nodoby wants to change anything.

Posted: November 24th, 2004, 16:36
by --LaNiMeL--
Hopefully I'll be gettin me 1Mb line this week or next, and I Believe the upload rate is 512Kb :D
So We may give that a try . . . might be good. :D
If Not I Will pay extra for a 512 UP speed

Posted: November 25th, 2004, 10:30
by Woo Elephant Yeah
--LaNiMeL-- wrote:Hopefully I'll be gettin me 1Mb line this week or next, and I Believe the upload rate is 512Kb :D
So We may give that a try . . . might be good. :D
If Not I Will pay extra for a 512 UP speed
Sounds good, I'm willing to give it a try.

What games do you have though? 8)

Posted: November 25th, 2004, 11:15
by --LaNiMeL--
Well narf I Have Nearly every Game on the Forum But I aint got UT2004 cuz Well I Daint av no money :(
Should be gettin it Christmas . . . Tis Gonna be a big list this year! :D