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What's your job?

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 11:28
by northwesten
So what do you guys do for a living? and what do you like and hate about your job's? What job Do you really like to do

Mine i havent goot one yet just EVE :shock: Tho I Help out in Morning with the :ilovehorses:

So I havent really got a job so i cant hate or like atm! I hate not working tho thats for sure! :(

I would like to work with trucks and drive lots of tea on the M6

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 12:07
by Dog Pants
Truck + horses? Sounds ideal for you!

I'm a computer-monkey, looking after the servers and workstations. Not for long though, as I'm off onto a deployable squadron in July.

Best thing about my job is the people I work with - I've found servicemen to be generally good-humoured and honest (well, most of them).

Worst thing is the stupid decisions that get made by people that are clearly incompetent and that affect my day-to-day life. I expect a lot of people have managers like that though.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 12:12
by Lateralus
I'm temping with a Council doing Transport work, but am hoping to get into Town Planning. Had an interview yesterday which I'm waiting to hear back from.

Being a temp, I hate having no contract, no sick pay or holiday pay, and about 40% less pay than I should get for the type of work I'm doing - when I actually have work to do that is. I love the fact that since I don't have a formal flexi system I can bugger off whenever I want, but I just don't get paid for it then.

I'd like to work for a planning consultancy, but thats going to be a few years off in the future yet. Need to do a Masters degree at some point first.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 12:27
by Mr. Johnson
i only got out of school a year ago, right i'm looking out for something to do when i get back from australia. it's going to be something with
A) animals.
B) computers.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 12:28
by fabyak
I used to be a SysAdmin, I am now a Quality Assurance tester for Sophos, and I want to be a SysAdmin again :)

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 12:53
by Sheriff Fatman
Nothing! I am a man of independent wealth.

Although, I am (in no particular order) a:

Mountain bike mechanic
Sys Admin
Forensic Computer Investigator

One day I'll work out what I want to do.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 12:56
by Lateralus
I've been vaguely debating the police horse as a possible career, but I'm not sure yet. Local police horse isn't recruiting anyway at the moment so it doesn't really matter, but it does intregue me. Had a Chief Inspector in our chalet when we were skiing and he put forward a pretty good case for the job. Its something I might look into a bit more.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 13:10
by Sheriff Fatman
Lateralus wrote:I've been vaguely debating the police horse as a possible career, but I'm not sure yet. Local police horse isn't recruiting anyway at the moment so it doesn't really matter, but it does intregue me. Had a Chief Inspector in our chalet when we were skiing and he put forward a pretty good case for the job. Its something I might look into a bit more.
I was a military copper (boo hiss) but the training and job description are fairly similar. If it sounds appealing to you, you are almost certainly the right person for the job. It can be bloody awful at times. No fucker likes you 90% of the time and you spend the other 10% helping the same people who didn't like you after their life goes off the rails.

Getting a spot in the civvy bill can be a bugger. Many horses have long waiting lists but as a grad you have an advantage. If you are seriously considering it I'd suggest you start the process as early as you can; it can take a long time to get accepted.

I am considering going back into it as an MoD copper at the mo.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 13:11
by eion
Currently finishing up my second law degree, having earlier done computer sciencey stuff too. I'll be looking for a real job Very Soon Now.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 13:18
by Lateralus
Sheriff Fatman wrote:
I was a military copper (boo hiss) but the training and job description are fairly similar. If it sounds appealing to you, you are almost certainly the right person for the job. It can be bloody awful at times. No fucker likes you 90% of the time and you spend the other 10% helping the same people who didn't like you after their life goes off the rails.

Getting a spot in the civvy bill can be a bugger. Many horses have long waiting lists but as a grad you have an advantage. If you are seriously considering it I'd suggest you start the process as early as you can; it can take a long time to get accepted.

I am considering going back into it as an MoD copper at the mo.
Is it worth looking into becoming a Special Constable in order to get a feel for the beginning part of the job? I imagine it wouldn't hurt the application form either. Northumbria Police aren't recruiting now though, and since I've bought a house with the other half here I'm committed to staying here for a while yet.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 13:22
by tandino
well currently and for the last 3 years I've managed/worked in an adult shop, one in a chain of 10 (I was managing a branch over summer 2005 but went part time to go to Uni).

Now I'm after a new job for a few reasons. Primarily I fancy a change and want to head in a direction more relevant to my degree (BA iMedia) so have applied to a couple of graphic design companies. Such is my thirst for change though, that I've also applied to work as a careers advisor (a good one hopefully). I'd like the latter to come through for me as I think it'd be a nice challenge.

I'm also working a placement as part of my degree with a 3d Animation studio and trying to find some freelance work at the same time. All go here...

Overall though I've worked in retail as both manager and dogsbody for about 11 years and I'm frankly bored fuckless of it.

So anyway Pete, as I'm in full on cv mode at the mo, if I can help you with yours give me a shout and I'll happily oblige. Got a lot of work on at the mo though but I'll endeavour to do my best.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 13:30
by Sheriff Fatman
Lateralus wrote:
Is it worth looking into becoming a Special Constable in order to get a feel for the beginning part of the job? I imagine it wouldn't hurt the application form either. Northumbria Police aren't recruiting now though, and since I've bought a house with the other half here I'm committed to staying here for a while yet.
Yup, go for it. I only know one bloke who was a Special and he bloody loved it. I think the hours are are almost entirely flexible and, as you say, it will give you a feel for the job and look good on your application.

Have you contacted Northumbria directly, or just looked at their website? As I said, they love grads (and you can expect accelerated promotion). Might be worth giving them a poke and seeing what they say.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 13:41
by friznit
Army Captain. Started off in an armoured regiment commanding a troop of Challenger 2 MBT's then went on Op BANNER (NI) in '02 as signals officer. Learnt a shit load about digital comms systems and network enabled comms. Got blown up on TELIC 6. Played alot of polo. Currently imparting some of my not inconsiderable knowledge and experience to trainee signals officers. Leaving soon to hopefully pursue a career in defence consultancy. The City gives me the fear.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 13:43
by Lateralus
The blurb on their site said Specials just have to put in a minimum of 4 hours a week, which is nothing really. I've only looked on their site so far, but I'll give them a call a bit later and speak to them directly. As you said, its worth giving them a poke. I'm more interested in the specialisations later on such as dog handling etc rather than a life of walking a beat, but its still more of an interest to find out more rather than a burning desire.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 13:44
by Akiakaiu
I do land surveying and civil design work. fun out in the field with no one looking over your shoulder all day. The only problem is when it's cold/wet/ect. and the client needs the job done yesterday.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 13:47
by spoodie
My profile wrote:Occupation: Bummer
Other than that I'm a Systems Engineer of sorts, I don't have an official title. Basically I'm involved with setting up the systems that manage O2's texting, billing and most recently the new broadband service after they bought up Be Broadband.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 14:01
by Grimmie
I work at City College, Birmingham. Web Developer is my title, but I'm more of a sort of media odd job person. I handle updating the college website and Intranet, doing advertisements and graphics for the website and for plasma screens across several campuses. I'll be involved in some redesigns and system changes, help organise virtual learning environments, pod casts, curriculum sites, take photos for the college etc..

I like my job mainly because it's so varied, I'm never sure what's coming next.

The only thing I don't like is being out of my depth - But that will fade with time and experience.

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 14:04
by Fear
Lateralus wrote:The blurb on their site said Specials just have to put in a minimum of 4 hours a week, which is nothing really.

This is the site I used to get all the information.

I can send you some scans of the tests they make you do also if I've still go them.

Be warned it takes ages, a year from application to actually being a policeman. I'm still in the training phase, I passed all the interviews and intelligence/logic/reasoning tests easily. There is also a fitness test they'll make you do if you're a fat bastard or look unfit. I escaped it. It's something really easy like level 7 on the bleep test and a grip-strength test so nothing to worry/train for really.

2 days 'diversity' training anyone? :roll:

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 14:17
by Sheriff Fatman
You'd be surprised how satisfying walking a beat can be Lat. Whilst my situation was very different from a civvy job, I loved walking about and getting amongst people. It is very varied and going to work never knowing what might happen from one minute to the next is probably one of things I miss most about it.

And Friz, I used to work for a security company in the city that recruits heavily from the military (Major Generals, SAS, Int Corps, etc). I don't know if they would have anything for you (it is very intel orientated) but if you want a foot in the door, drop me a line and I will put you in touch (and they ain't a mickey mouse company, serious operators, offices in all the fun places world-wide).

Posted: April 17th, 2007, 14:20
by northwesten
Fear wrote:

This is the site I used to get all the information.

I can send you some scans of the tests they make you do also if I've still go them.

Be warned it takes ages, a year from application to actually being a policeman. I'm still in the training phase, I passed all the interviews and intelligence/logic/reasoning tests easily. There is also a fitness test they'll make you do if you're a fat bastard or look unfit. I escaped it. It's something really easy like level 7 on the bleep test and a grip-strength test so nothing to worry/train for really.

2 days 'diversity' training anyone? :roll:
You know i was thinking of try the Police Constable. Tho because i have issues with spelling and grammer thats going to hold me back! When i have a job in place i hoping to go to College for english to improve that.

why Police Constable? because when i move to USA in Maine i want to be able to get in the state police horse and having that one my record will sure help + Army career too.

Where ever i going to work i going to have a Shit hot ref. For now i need trucks for money