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Rise Of Nations Extended 4 Pack

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 17:52
by Imperatore
Dear All,

I would like this game and am happy to pay the current sale price of £7.49, however a 4 pack would work out at about :? £5.50 I think. Are there 3 others who would be up for this? I'd have to humbly ask that someone else does the transaction too because I'm not familiar with the process. Expires 01.09.14 so will have to go solo if no interest.

Re: Rise Of Nations Extended 4 Pack

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 18:09
by Dog Pants
Yeah, go on then. I've heard good things about it.

Also, hello! :wave:

Re: Rise Of Nations Extended 4 Pack

Posted: August 29th, 2014, 18:11
by Imperatore
Halfway there :w00t:

I've been lurking a lot but not posting :)

Re: Rise Of Nations Extended 4 Pack

Posted: August 30th, 2014, 14:17
by Grimmie
I've got this on disc, but having it auto patching on steam, with slightly fancier graphics and workshop support? Yeah, is be down for that.

Re: Rise Of Nations Extended 4 Pack

Posted: August 30th, 2014, 15:20
by Imperatore
Oh gosh we're nearly there :) Someone get inspired and join in so I can play tomorrow :ahoy:
How can you resist these miss all's?

Re: Rise Of Nations Extended 4 Pack

Posted: August 30th, 2014, 20:25
by Imperatore
If we don't get a 4th I'll happily pay for 2 so I can gift one at a later date :)

Re: Rise Of Nations Extended 4 Pack

Posted: August 30th, 2014, 20:32
by Dog Pants
44 hours to go. I'm quite interested now, it's got good reviews.

Re: Rise Of Nations Extended 4 Pack

Posted: August 30th, 2014, 20:42
by Pnut
Go on then, I'll give it a go.

Re: Rise Of Nations Extended 4 Pack

Posted: August 30th, 2014, 20:53
by Imperatore
Excellent, so how do we do it? I can pay monies via any required means, I appreciate I'm not one of the longer standing regulars so I'm happy for someone else to take the lead

Re: Rise Of Nations Extended 4 Pack

Posted: August 30th, 2014, 22:31
by Grimmie
Add me on Steam:

I'll buy it today and PM you with my bank deets, then I'll send the game over!

Re: Rise Of Nations Extended 4 Pack

Posted: August 31st, 2014, 3:31
by Imperatore
I added you sir. Thought I had joined the 5punk Steam group but then I've never really figured it all out. Username is Noxia, picture of a Snail.

Re: Rise Of Nations Extended 4 Pack

Posted: September 6th, 2014, 8:54
by Dog Pants
Some good RONning was had last night. It is a frantic game, in multiplayer at least. Also, if the intro has taught me anything about history, it's that men didn't stop wearing dresses until the First World War.

Re: Rise Of Nations Extended 4 Pack

Posted: September 6th, 2014, 15:58
by Imperatore
Not had a chance to sink my teeth in yet but it's all seems very familiar.

Re: Rise Of Nations Extended 4 Pack

Posted: September 6th, 2014, 16:05
by Dr. kitteny berk