Today I've been through my Steam list and picked out any games which I've played to completion recently enough to feel I can talk about with authority, and them categorised them together for review. The plan is to work through them and get some reviews up on the
database. I've no particular timescale to this because of RL and the knowledge that I'd fail to meet it, but at least I'm laying out my intent. Today I'm doing modern point-and-click Ben There, Dan That. The other games in the list are:
Blood Bowl
The Fall
Hotline Miami
Leviathan: Warships
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Plants Vs Zombies
Civ V
Steamworld Dig
I'll probably be working through them in roughly that order, but feel free to request one be bumped up the list if it's something you're interested in. Oh, and by all means submit your own reviews