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5punker of the Year Award 2013 Nominations

Posted: December 1st, 2013, 10:53
by Dog Pants
Place your nominations here for the 5punker of the Year 2013. This award represents the 5punker who has done the most this year to keep 5punk 5punky. That's a lot of 5punk. Voting polls will be added in the new year.

Re: 5punker of the Year Award 2013 Nominations

Posted: December 1st, 2013, 11:03
by buzzmong
Pantsu, for the diaries and things like these very nominations.

Re: 5punker of the Year Award 2013 Nominations

Posted: December 1st, 2013, 13:03
by Dog Pants
I'd like to break the chain of admins winning this year with my nomination. Several times during the year I remember thinking to myself that Grimmie puts a lot of thought into 5punky things: organising bashes and games, bearding, and writing on the front page. Other people do these things too, but Grimmie stands out as doing a bit of all of them, and being involves in every aspect of 5punkiness. So that's my nomination, lovely Grimmie.

Re: 5punker of the Year Award 2013 Nominations

Posted: December 3rd, 2013, 20:55
by Roman Totale
Pants - superb diary, general leadership and organisation

Re: 5punker of the Year Award 2013 Nominations

Posted: December 3rd, 2013, 22:15
by Mr. Johnson
Yup, Pants really stands out for this but to add at least one other person I'd like to nominate FJ. He doesn't say much but when he does it's well worth listening to. He's like the perpetually drunk but wise elderly priest I never had.


Re: 5punker of the Year Award 2013 Nominations

Posted: December 5th, 2013, 2:00
by FatherJack
Mr. Johnson wrote:I'd like to nominate FJ. He doesn't say much but when he does it's well worth listening to.
Thanks for the nom, and that description of me resonates quite strongly with how I've been described even since school. I often kinda think I've done shit all but sometimes a quiet word or nudge of encouragement can inspire. But I can't hold a candle to DP's - with a shameless allusion to his username - dogged enthusiasm to make things happen around here.

As Pants notes himself though, it would be rather jolly to have a few more candidates outside of the admins. Being admins is like a lifelong reward in any case and it's kind of the point that we be pretty damn 5punky most of the time, although of course everyone is free to be themselves as long as it doesn't upset anyone else. I've had little to nothing to do with adjudicating possible conflicts this year which is another great indicator of DP's awesome moderation powers, but also points towards another gushing "I love you all" nomination for everyone.

We have other categories for specifics, but as a general, good, all-round-5punker - in games, the message board, chat, real-life - who deserves this award?

Who's joined in the most, made you have fun the most, been the best/worst teammate? Who's been humble in victory and laughing at defeat? Who has helped, given useful advice, solved some tech/real-life issue? Who's made you smile when you were feeling crap? Whose reviews or descriptions of their game-playing have hugely entertained you? Whose posts do you look forward to with anticipation? Who feels like a great mate, even though you may never have met them? Who is a great mate because you have met them through 5punk?

Who's the reason you keep coming back here?

Re: 5punker of the Year Award 2013 Nominations

Posted: December 6th, 2013, 20:27
by HereComesPete
Well said FJ - He doesn't say much but when he does it's well worth listening to is apt once again.

I nominate pnut, he gets drunk and angry and shouts at stuff and plays games like crap and that coupled with the dogged determination to give it a go, the drunkenness and the general giving more of a fuck about the health and welfare of other 5punkers is inspiring. Well done you drunken mexican shorty!

I also nominate Mr J, he graciously invites us to belgiumland and puts us up and gets stuck in to everything we do with enthusiasm. A very selfless and kind and tall and beardy type. Well done you giant european animal whisperer!

Re: 5punker of the Year Award 2013 Nominations

Posted: December 6th, 2013, 23:42
by tandino
Always a tough one this. As someone does every year, I feel every one of us is a 5punker of the year in one way or another. We always rally around when one of us needs it, we're welcoming, friendly, intelligent and very funny. We're tolerant, patient, shit at games, good at games and drunk. These qualities make 5punk 5punky.

Deserved circle jerk aside, I'd nominate MrJ for inviting us to his home and spending a shitload on food and booze when he had no source of income (and not expecting anything in return).

Re: 5punker of the Year Award 2013 Nominations

Posted: January 1st, 2014, 11:45
by Dog Pants
Polls are up! Get your votes in before the 7th.