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The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 16:04
by Joose
I've made a start on that idea of doing a picture and text based Lets Play in the Sims. I've always found that the best games with the Sims are where I've given myself arbitrary rules to follow. So that's what I've done here. RULES!

1) The starting Sims will be made by hitting the random button and accepting whatever comes out.
2) The only exception to rule 1 will be the personality traits. I'll randomise those until at least half are negative.
3) I will be playing the part of a facilitator, more than my usual rule of maniacal puppet master. I'll help them do things they want to, but I wont horse them into anything or make them do anything they don't initiate themselves.

With that out of the way, welcome to the 5PUNKHOUSE!

First, lets meet the residents.


Grimmie Grimbles! He has a hat! He wears strange clothes! He wants to one day become a world class cross breeder of animals and robots!


Berk Berkington! He's a fat ginger emo! He wants to become a world famous Psychic, even though he doesn't believe in the paranormal!


Dog Pants! He's a she (probably)! He's a witch! He has slightly evil tendencies!


The three move in to their new house.


Its a pretty unassuming house in a fairly dull end of town. The fellas only have limited funds, so couldn't afford three bedrooms. Looks like someone's sleeping on the couch!

Pants is utterly uninterested in the building. Instead of investigating, (s)he spends several hours standing on the front lawn, waving a stick about and spaffing out sparkles.


The others are unimpressed.


Leaving Pants out front rubbing his magic stick, Berk and Grimmie investigate the house. They spend a few minutes looking about making faces and making blergh noises before stopping in the kitchen for a bit of a chat. It decends into silliness.


The silliness does not end well


Meanwhile, on the front lawn, Pants has discovered the ability to make apples. He makes an apple. And another. Then he makes an apple. To change things up a bit, he makes and apple, followed by an apple. Then he makes two apples. More apples. At this rate, his backpack will be entirely filled with apples.


Apples everywhere. Looking at the backpack more closely, I notice that the apples are in two stacks. Why have they not all stacked together? Wait..."Poisoned Apples"? Oh, Pants, what the fuck are you up to?

Inside the house, Berk is standing about in the corner, and Grimmie is talking to himself and making faces.


Look at that second face! IT IS GRIMMIE!

Pants makes a request for an alchemists table. Sure, have one! There is no possible way that the person with pockets full of poisoned apples could ever get up to no good with the ability to make magical potions. That'll be fine.


Good lord Pants, your ass is huge.

It starts getting dark, and the alchemy table was put outside due to the house being the size of a shoebox, so Pants returns to the front room. You dont want to catch a cold whilst making deadly poisons. I mean potions. Not deadly. Ahem. Not ten minutes inside, and she starts an argument with Berk. Berk is thinking about Pants. Pants is expressing his dislike for tongues. Grimmie reads a book. I fervently hope the conversation will end.


You may have noticed from the shots of Pants alchemising that Berk has a slightly peculiar love of windows. When Grimmie wants to unwind, he reads a book or jumps about manically. When Pants is feeling the stress, he spends some quality time "stroking his wand". Berk stands in front of windows and cheers. I assumed he was looking out at what Pants was up to at first, but no. He just loves windows.


Evening has given way to night time now, and the guys gather around the idiot box. Grimmie seems to not know what to make of it at first, but eventually warms up to it enough to give it a little wave. Berk and Pants spend most of the night playing a surreal word association game whilst pointing at Grimmies arse. Having seen what's on the telly, this does seem like a more entertaining way to spend your time.


Pants gets bored, and turns an apple into a fish-bowl with a frog in it. Say hello to the newest house-mate, Jeremy. Don't get too attached to him. I don't feel good about his survival chances.


Sleepy time. Pants goes to his room, Grimmie takes the sofa spot...


...and Berk takes his hair off to sleep. Wait, what?


The peace is shattered about 40 mins in, as Grimmies right hand wakes up and attempts to kill him. I'm not exaggerating this for comic effect either, he genuinely went from sleeping peacefully to re-enacting The Claw from Liar Liar. He successfully subdues his murderous appendage, but is now well and truly awake. He cant face going back to the sofa. The Claw might take the opportunity to finish the job whilst he snoozes. The only sensible option now is to cycle to the local pool at 3am.


Diving in to the pool for a couple of lengths, Grimmie fi...wait. Grimmie, what are you doing?


No Grimmie. No. Swimming. You are supposed to swim here. Skinny dipping? *sigh*


Dont look at me like that, it was your idea.

Day 2

Morning! Time to get up and make some breakfAAH MY EYES!


Pants, you have no shame. Neither has Berk.


Stop looking there, Berk.


That is not an acceptable alternative!

No one seems to be bothered about making breakfast, so Pants goes back to waving his wand about. Im not sure if he has ran out of backpack space, or if he has reached some critical apple mass, but there are now apples all over the place.


Sure enough, it doesn't take long for a hungry Berk to find a tasty looking floor apple. Note that he walked straight past the apples on the table. Floor apples are the best kind!


That's right Berk, take a big bite.


Wait, that's a bit of a funny colour for an apple. Oh shit! What kind of apple was it? OH SHIT! POISON FLOOR APPLES!


Thankfully, Pants is rubbish at poison, so Berk just has a quick snooze. Then a quick vomit. Whilst in the loo, Pants discovers he has learnt a new spell! Show us what you can do then, Pants.







Will they all die? What happens to the frog? Why does Berk start painting? Find out all this and more next time!

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 16:35
by Dog Pants
Epic. I got some junk in my trunk.

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 16:42
by Joose
Dog Pants wrote:I got some junk in my trunk.
Yeah, but its mostly apples.

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 17:26
by HereComesPete

Did you do some fancy mapping of Grimmie's face onto his sim? Because it is uncanny!

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 18:07
by Grimmie
Fantastic, more, more!

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 19:00
by Roman Totale

This is bloody brilliant. More! More I say!

1) Grimmie is Grimmie
2) Berk should show his love of windows by licking them. Just like in real life.
3) I'll be keeping my eye on Pants - tricksy apple date raper that (s)he is.

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 19:02
by Mr. Johnson
This is amazing, I was reading this whilst waiting for Mrs. J at the train station and people looked at me funny because I couldn't stop laughing.

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 19:33
by Dr. kitteny berk
:lol: I appear to look like Pete.

I really, really hope pants tries to put the fire out by spawning apples at it.

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 21:28
by tandino

More of this I say!

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 21:29
by fabyak
:lol: Awesomes! I now want to buy the Sims just to join in

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 21:36
by Mr. Johnson
What expansion packs do you use Joose?

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 22:15
by Joose
Oh god, this is going to be embarrassing:

Late Night
World Adventures

Yes, I've spent more money than is sensible on the Sims. I got them all in various sales though!

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 7th, 2013, 22:53
by Mr. Johnson
That is a bit more than I expected, but I'm not going to judge.

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 8th, 2013, 13:14
by Grimmie
Sims 3 was cheap in the steam deals recently.

The DLC was also about 25%-50% off. All the discounted DLC came to a grand total of £111.00.

There's a lot out there :(

Or £299.85 without the discount. Christ.

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 8th, 2013, 13:20
by Mr. Johnson

Christ indeed.

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 8th, 2013, 15:24
by deject
Nothing beats the Railworks DLC:

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 8th, 2013, 18:50
by friznit
I cam so very close to buying this several times in the sales, but then I have a compulsion to have to buy all available DLC and the total price put me off so I resisted. I'll probably get it in the next sale because it's the sort of thing that amuses me for a while. Brilliant idea to fill a house with 5punkers though, laugh a minute!

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 19:35
by fabyak
Midweek madness! £7.50...

Re: The 5punkhouse!

Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 19:43
by fabyak
Can join house?