FatherJack wrote:it'd be nice to see a few more 5punkers use it.
You don't have to run it all the time - it will update as and when it runs, you can choose to give it details of as many game systems as you want.
You dont have to run it at all if you are playing steam games. You can give it your steam ID and it will pull your game play stats directly from that. Obviously that only works with steam games, but if that makes up the entirety of your game library anyway it does save you from running another little program.
Here's me then, I guess? I might give streaming a go. I currently have email notifications set up to let me know when the people I'm subscribed to go live.
Grimmie wrote:Here's me then, I guess? I might give streaming a go. I currently have email notifications set up to let me know when the people I'm subscribed to go live.
Nice one Em, I enjoyed that. You were a bit quiet at times, indeed the whole video was quite quiet. I'm a bit sad I missed getting the Origin deal as it had expired by the time I got back from holiday. Look forward to the next one.
Steam now seems to broadcast (to friends) any games I play through it, watch them at this permalink: http://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/wat ... 963435943/ and marvel at my ineptitude. Also I better not play all them porn games.
Just got around to watching the part two video you did. You actually had the coal automation thing for the boilers bang on at the end of the video, it was working fine its just that the arm loader thingies only put in a minimal amount to make stuff work, they don't keep stuffing something until it is full. Thats why it stopped, there were a few coal units in the boiler, so it will just sit there until the boiler has used them up rather than keep putting in coal. Sounds like a silly way to work it at first, but it makes sense later in the game where you have things like a row of furnaces; you don't want all your ore building up in the first furnace with all the others sitting there empty.
The other thing I would mention is you said at one point about how arms on the end of a conveyor belt seem to miss a bit (like at 38:28), which will just sit on the end of the conveyor for ever. Like you say, lining stuff up does take a bit of getting used to, its a bit counter intuitive in a few ways. For this, that bit of ore has actually fallen off the end of the conveyor belt and counts as being in the next "square". If you want that set-up to not miss bits, you want the conveyor belt to stop just short of where the arm is, so there is an empty square at the end of the conveyor, in front of the arm. It will look for all the world like you have made it to short and it shouldn't work, but it does.
As I downloaded Alien Isolation last week, I'm thinking about doing a Letsplay on it from the getgo. Any tips for recording and such that aren't covered in this?
Specifically for AI, I'd do a few little tests with gamma/brightness to make sure you don't just record 100 hours of shadow. Oh, and watch at least the first movie before you start, it'll make you appreciate the effort that has gone into the game.
Incidentally, I own fraps if you want to nab a copy.
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:Specifically for AI, I'd do a few little tests with gamma/brightness to make sure you don't just record 100 hours of shadow. Oh, and watch at least the first movie before you start, it'll make you appreciate the effort that has gone into the game.
Incidentally, I own fraps if you want to nab a copy.
Hmm, it's only £24 for a perpetual licence. Might as well do my bit as a software professional and support the devs. I do however think I might need to go HDD shopping soon, only got ~350gb left on my gaming drive.
buzzmong wrote:Hmm, it's only £24 for a perpetual licence. Might as well do my bit as a software professional and support the devs.
I don't use Fraps much anymore, instead going for the one built in to Raptr, since that automatically records almost everything I play anyway. Shadowplay (nvidia experience) and the one in Origin work okay too depending on the situation and the Xbox one in Windows 10 works with windowed non full-screen games although it is a bit fussy.