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Posted: October 16th, 2012, 18:56
by Roman Totale
No 'u', cos that's how they spell it on the tin.
Anyway, good game. I thought there was already an individual post up for this, but apparently not. I've not stuck in Shooters as I've been playing for several hours and not really shot anyway (throttled on the other hand...).
Plot: disgraced former bodyguard to an Empress, framed for murder, clear name, attain some weird supernatural powers along the way, etc etc.
Action is very slick and smooth, and seems to be heavily influenced by the Thief series. You're not limited to stealth though, and the fighting and stealthing are nicely mixed. Personally I've been going for the super stealthy/choke people until they black out route, but on my next play through I'm rather looking forwards to playing a balls out murderer...
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 16th, 2012, 19:11
by spoodie
Roman Totale wrote:No 'u'
Yeah, I'm surprised there's no thread about it. Especially considering the praise the Thief games have got from some people here. And even though I generally avoid stealthy type games, this game is tempting.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 16th, 2012, 19:18
by Dog Pants
I really wanted to like Thief, and kind of got into it, but it always felt like a bit of a chore. Same with Deus Ex HR. I hope I'll like this, I want to, but I think I'll pick it up in a sale just in case I don't.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 16th, 2012, 19:25
by buzzmong
This is another game I'm waiting to buy and play as I've heard good things. It's quite a solid game apparently.
However, as I'm on the verge of ordering a new graphics card as mine is a tad old now, it's going to wait for a while.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 16th, 2012, 19:40
by FatherJack
I had a look at this, but heard a few bad things, which maybe players can confirm/deny.
One is that it's very short, 15-20 hours or so and £30 is a bit much for that, although most have said it does have replayability.
The other is that the stealth is not only rather dumbed-down (ie: lighting is not a factor, just whether your target is looking directly at you or not) but also that the game kind of pushes you in the 'sneak up behind them and throttle them' direction as the 'correct' way, which means you're either penalised for using, or don't get the chance to use all the other cool weapons and killing methods.
I think it's probably good that it's not as tricky as Thief to remean concealed, but if you're essentially doing the same move on every enemy I can see it becoming repetitive. I like a good mix of options in stealth games, which I thought Deux Ex HR did okay - allowing you to get through by scrapping after you've accidentally blundered into a room of bad guys - rather than the 'you have been detected, game over' thing that used to happen in older stealth titles.
Replaying a level a hundred times in order to get a perfect stealth score is only something I'd do on a later playthrough of a game I really loved, on first plays I prefer a little more leniency, so I can be more audacious like my sneaky Kitty in Elder Scrolls who murders people in their sleep then a few seconds later gets totally busted coming out of the room, but gets away with it by agreeing with everyone how terrible it is that the victim has mysteriously been killed.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 16th, 2012, 20:59
by Roman Totale
On a couple of those points, sort of.
Firstly the stealth mechanics are easier than those of other games, but it's not super easy. Although lighting doesn't play a huge factor, sound does and additionally some of the guards have fairly erratic patrol routes. Either way it's certainly not a breeze through, but the good thing is that even if you are discovered it's not a game ending scenario - you can just murder your way out.
As for the 'correct way' thing, it's a bit of a weird one. If you go the stealthy, non-killy route, it actually makes the game easier (less gribbles spawn) and the ending is apparently not as 'dark' (I've not finished it yet so I don't know). Also I've not spoilered that because it tells you in the loading screen info splash things. I suppose it makes sense - if you go for an all out murder spree then they'll throw more things at you.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 16th, 2012, 21:04
by Thompy
TotalBiscuit made the statement that stealthy is longer, allows you to appreciate more of the game, but doesn't have nearly the amount of fun abilities that a killy route has going for it and ultimately gets repetitive. Going full psycho makes it a bit too short though and isn't considered the "right" way to play it.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 17th, 2012, 6:49
by Joose
I've only played through the first proper mission, so I can't be sure, but I think the length thing is down to how you play it. If you power through treating it like a steam punk version of CoD (which you can if you want) I can't imagine it will take long. If you take your time to plan things out, sneak around, read all the books and notes, listen to the recorded messages, collect all the power unlocking whatsits and so on its going to take significantly longer. Plus I can see it being a game with a lot of replay value: I died a few times doing that first assassination and found several perfectly legitimate ways to go, one which appeared to actually complete your objective without killing the guy (I fucked that one up by accidentally throwing his unconscious body from a roof. I'm only reloading on death for my first play through). Considering I found some very different outcomes without really trying and I have only unlocked night vision and teleporting, that suggests there's going to be a whole bunch of options in later missions.
It really comes down to how you approach the game. If you are just thinking about the fastest, easiest way to tick off your objectives then the stealth will suck and the end will come too soon. It you treat it is something to explore, both literally and figuratively, then it's a much richer game.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 17th, 2012, 17:56
by Roman Totale
Good point on the exploration thing. Each level has a certain number of things you can collect - coins (for spending), runes (for purchasing powers), bone charms (for funky little bonuses), and paintings (I have no idea what they do ultimately).
Being slightly obsessive I can't leave an area unless I've explored every single nook and granny.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 17th, 2012, 22:20
by FatherJack
I noticed there were achievements both for not killing anyone and for not being detected, throughout the whole (post-tutorial) game - I guess how fun that is depends on how many non-lethal methods there are, but it certainly demonstrates there are options as they fly in the face of the E3/Steam video of multiple neck-stabbings and some of the other achievements like taking on five guys at once and killing a tallboy with just your sword.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 17th, 2012, 23:48
by deject
Roman Totale wrote:Being slightly obsessive I can't leave an area unless I've explored every single nook and granny.
Exploring grannies huh?
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 18th, 2012, 7:55
by Joose
And crooks and nannies too.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 18th, 2012, 7:57
by Mr. Johnson
Wasn't it Pete that explored a granny?
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 18th, 2012, 15:49
by HereComesPete
Mr. Johnson wrote:Wasn't it Pete that explored a granny?
How very dare you!*
*it probably was.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 18th, 2012, 15:59
by Mr. Johnson
I'm not judging.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: October 18th, 2012, 16:19
by Dog Pants
Biddy fiddler.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: November 30th, 2012, 22:00
by Sol
I just completed it this week. Playing without killing anyone is difficult and fun, would recommend.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: November 30th, 2012, 22:48
by FatherJack
I too have been playing it. But I have killed everyone and everything. I've snuck through and completed objectives, hunted down all the charms and not raised a single alarm. Then I've gone back in and slaughtered everyone by jumping on their heads or teleporting behind them and sticking my sword through their face. I've taken out guys by putting them to sleep silently and sneakily, then either sliced them up, blew their brains out, tossed them off a roof or commanded my rats to devour them alive.
I'm an Assassin, not a Bed-time Story Reader. No milk and cookies and sleepytimes, just a bottle of whale oil in the face.
Re: Dishonored
Posted: December 5th, 2012, 21:30
by FatherJack
Well I have been there, and killed everyone, even the ones you weren't supposed to kill, then I reloaded a save right at the end and got a very slightly less miserable ending. Apparently clambering to victory atop a mountain of bloody corpses is not the legacy the script-writers intended I should bestow.
So I'm playing again and trying really hard not to kill anyone and finding it actually quite a lot more fun than I thought I would. Now, before continuing at the end of each stage instead of wondering if there's any lifeform still alive and going back through to slaughter them, I'm getting genuine enjoyment from ninjaing past them all again and collecting extra goodies - with the pressure off from completing the mission objectives, it's far less irksome when you have to reload because you've accidentally exploded someone into tiny pieces or mistakenly tossed them into a swarm of hungry rats.
Having said that, I'm so not going for the 'remain undetected' route, as I think that would piss me off. I messed up pretty early in that regard anyway as when I strangled approximately my second victim and carried their slumbering form to a clever hiding place instead of placing them down nice and quiet pressed the wrong button and fired off my pistol - alerting the entire place.
It was difficult to hold back my blade, when despite all my noble efforts, the woman who asks me to protect her Dad says "That's what you used to do isn't it, protect people? Before your new profession." Adding "You know, before you became an assassin."