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War of the Northern Counties

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 21:20
by Thompy
Anyone interested in this? Up until lunch time today I'd barely given it any thought, just glancing over articles I saw about it, but for some reason I ended up reading and looking properly at it today. I have to say I'm really interested.

I think the two things that do it for me are the different setting from shooty-gun and clicky-make-men-go-places (I know there is Mount and Blade and probably countless others but meh), and the slower pace. I can never get into fast paced ultra competitive multiplayer. It also looks to have potential for lols. Observe ye!


£24.99, £74.99 4 pack. So, anyone for some hot action?

Re: War of the Northern Counties

Posted: September 28th, 2012, 22:18
by Thompy
Hm, reading the forums there seems to be a lot of crying, some going as far to say the game is flat out broken. I think I'll wait for some post-release reviews and feedback before committing. This thread's here anyway for when/if people play.

There's also Chivalry, which after a quick look has more positive user comments.

Re: War of the Northern Counties

Posted: September 29th, 2012, 11:31
by shot2bits
ive been keeping an eye on this one for a while now, i loved the mount and blade games and had alot of fun with the crpg mod for warband, i hadnt heard anything about the game being broken so i may have to look into that and see if its a common issue or just a very (understandably) vocal minority. i was actually thinking about puting a preoder down tonight as i think i can get a preorder discount and then another reduction ontop for owning a mount and blade game too

Re: War of the Northern Counties

Posted: September 29th, 2012, 13:44
by friznit
One sadness is this has nothing to do with Mount & Blade - it's MP only and has no campaign mode, which is what gives M&B the longevity for me. As you say, it's also apparently horribly broken and unbalanced in places.