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BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 17:37
by Joose
Righteo then!

First off, can everyone who is coming please say so here, so I can put together a proper list. Definite yes/no's, etas and method of transport.

You can turn up any time after midday on Friday, and I wont be forcibly evicting anyone till Monday afternoon. If you are training it, you want to aim for either Leicester or Loughborough, although the latter is the better option. There is also Barrow-upon-Soar, but good luck getting a train to there. If people can try and get to the station in carloads it would be much appreciated. Alternatively, I can get you taxi numbers.

If you are driving let me know and I will give you directions and such.

As for gaems themselves, I'm thinking the following: Saturday and Sunday we have the mornings for waking up and farting about with characters and rulebooks. Have mid day fuuds, then kick off an afternoon gaems at about 1ish. Eveningfuuds whenever we get hungry, followed by another gaems session. This gives us roughly 4 big slots (hohoho) to fill with proper beardings, and we can squeeze in some extra games or whatever in between. Obviously, we wont panic if things over-run or finish early, but it gives us a rough idea of what needs preparing for.

So on that note, we come to gaems. Grimmie is putting a one shot D&D extravaganza together, and I'm formulating some SR and EP one shots, but that leaves us with at least one other slot to fill (teehee). I could probably pull another SR or EP pre-written thing out if all else fails, but it would be good to have some variety if someone wants to volunteer their GM services.

Something I thought might be an good mini-game to be slotted in if/when there's space would be a quick D&D 4th ed game. I know I've been pretty derisive of it in the past, and I doubt I'm going to be tempted away from 3.5 any time soon, but I would be interested to see what its like. Just a quick single encounter monster-pwn to check out the mechanics.

Finally, booze-n-food. There's takeaways and pizza places around here, and there's a couple likely looking restaurants or food serving pubs if people want to escape the house for a bit at some point. Any preferences? As for boozamahols and snackfoods, stick any requests in here and I will make a supermarket run beforehand.





Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 18:04
by HereComesPete

national rail webshite:sworn at copiously

Me and Pnut arrive 13.41 at Loughborough.

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 18:08
by Pnut
What he said.

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 18:32
by FatherJack
I'll be coming in my car, dunno what day/s yet, but definitely Sat & Sun afternoon and evening.

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 18:47
by Dr. kitteny berk
I am currently wobbly, looks like I can afford, but not certain. oh yes, and arriving muddy/bloody/dead, due to nostalgia forcing me to travel by bike.

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: July 30th, 2012, 23:04
by TezzRexx
I am also wobbly due to recent goings on, but shall advise soon :)

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: August 4th, 2012, 20:24
by Dr. kitteny berk
My wobble has become a neigh, due to general life being inconvenient.

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: August 4th, 2012, 22:41
by Grimmie
Presumably you guys are changing at Derby to arrive at Loughborough for 13:41?

I am too. Oh yes.

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: August 5th, 2012, 0:13
by HereComesPete
Grimmie wrote:Presumably you guys are changing at Derby to arrive at Loughborough for 13:41?

I am too. Oh yes.
Nope, Sheffield. I think it's the same train though.

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: August 5th, 2012, 1:35
by Grimmie
Ah, makes more sense.

I guess I'll see you at Loughborough station either way.

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: August 5th, 2012, 3:19
by FatherJack
I have time off work, so I can do the duration, Fri til Mon. Ofc can help with transport etc, plan to get to Joose's and drop my stuff off with enough time so he can advise/direct me to train stations if required. My route doesn't really pass anyone, so it won't be very practical to offer to take anyone the whole way. I have the postcode, but could use more precise directions once in the area.

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: August 5th, 2012, 11:26
by Pnut
Grimmie ,if your getting to Loughborough at 13:41 then it will be the same train. Me and Pete will be on it before you so will try and save you a seat.

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 10:59
by Legoshoes
Joining in the wobbles due to money worries. I haven't been paid yet because my boss is a CHARMING AND STAND-UP BLOKE.

(Can you tell I'm typing this from work?)

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 11:04
by Grimmie
Will you people stop being wobbly? :(

I'll happily loan peoples train monies if that's what's stopping them from attending.

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 14:00
by Legoshoes
Money shouldn't be a problem, providing I've actually been paid by Friday, and days off are a go. Health reasons may limit my ability to quaff as much mead, but I can see no further impediment to my attendance. BRING OUT THE BEARDS

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: August 6th, 2012, 17:36
by Dr. kitteny berk
JOOSE! UNWOBBLE ME! Transport has been arranged. :)

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: August 7th, 2012, 9:30
by Joose
Hurrah to de-wobbling!

I'll be making a supermarket trip Thursday night, so get your orders in for then. Don't panic if you miss it though, there's a supermarket a few minutes walk from our house too.

Now I just have to finish preparing games. What have I got left to do....OH SHIT! *furious writing commence*

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: August 7th, 2012, 11:38
by FatherJack
Plz PM me house number/directions, I have the postcode.

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: August 7th, 2012, 13:06
by Dr. kitteny berk
I need house number, I assume it's one of those ones set back from the road a little near the back entrance to the farm?

Re: BeardBash Organising Thread of Doom

Posted: August 7th, 2012, 13:10
by Joose
yep, first one.