TezzRexx wrote:Thanks guys, he's getting there slowly but still waiting to see if there's any long term damage as he's only relatively young.
Fingers and other appendages crossed for FatherTezz.
Joose wrote:...Fallout. I think FO3 is better (marginally) than NV, but not so much that I would go so far as to say its getting worse. Its near enough the same. But neither are as good as FO1&2 were. But then again, FO1&2 have not aged particularly well; not just visually, but the interface and some of the game design decisions too, so if you are comparing the current FO games with the old FO games played in the present day, then they are definitely getting better.
I think that technically that FO3 was better then NV (after I modded it a bit), but NV has (in my opinion) a better story and I love a bit of cowboy (aww yeah). And as much as I go misty balled at the idea of the first two I fully agree that I feel the series has got better, lost a touch of story depth but become far more immersive in general. Lost shooting people in the balls, gained 3d realised centaurs that spaff goo at you. Awesome.
Mass Effect - Better, all those who whined about the ending of 3 seem to have missed the 30-40+ hours of settling up, the horrible decisions, destruction and death of people you know and care about, the hard choices and such that all lead up to that final decision.
Counter-Strike - sauce is better than 1.6, who knows what the next one will be like.
Total War - played the old one, not my cup of tea(bag).
BioShock - worse, 2 is wank compared to the first
Civilization - better, polishing the polish, I try not to ever play them ever or I'll end up losing a month or more of my life and getting fired.
World of Warcraft - can fuck off
Team Fortress - better?? Never really played the old one, the new one is fun and easy to jump in and out of.
Crysis - couldn't comment - only use it for stompy robots.
Call of Duty/Modern Warfare - worse, it's just regurgitated crap every few months.
Dragon Age - worse, I did enjoy the sequel more than I thought I would but it was dumbed down to its detriment.
Diablo - worse, it's pretty but it went option lite on character progression.
Battlefield - worse, it's a shame but the commander role, balance and general scope has reduced it to something closer to COD. Hopefully the armoured add on will pick it back up a bot.
Command & Conquer - depends on what they mean - red alert is always daft and fun. The kane stuff is more polished but I think less fun.
SimCity - Never played them.
The Elder Scrolls - generally better, got flummoxed in skyrim, never went back but I intend to.
The Sims - die in a fire.
Starcraft - never really got into them.
Hitman - better, will have to see what the latest one is like on release.
Fallout - as above.
Splinter Cell - only played the first one, the others didn't entice me. I would say worse.
Oranges - Possibly worth stripping this out and putting it in general as a discussion topic??