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Show Me The Game

Posted: November 14th, 2011, 17:45
by Dog Pants
Cliffski (of Gratuitous Space Battles fame) has just launched his pet project, an online indie games store. His aim is, apparently, to provide a place where people can find all the indie games they can eat, and pay for them in a way that gives all the proceeds to the devs. It's a great idea I think, since although Steam has massive coverage and is doubtlessly influential in the current rise of the indie game, they also take their cut. Obviously as an indie developer himself Cliffski benefits from this by being able to sell his own games without paying a markup to Steam too. And the best bit? It doesn't use Paypal. Yay!

Re: Show Me The Game

Posted: November 14th, 2011, 17:52
by Thompy
My five second look shows me they have a scrolling image jobby to advertise featured games, the entire site therefore is a complete Steam rip off. Long live the Steam!

Thats actually a pretty impressive list of indie games for a new site.

Re: Show Me The Game

Posted: November 14th, 2011, 19:19
by TezzRexx
Thug Aim?