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Starfarer (Indie hybrid space thingy)

Posted: April 30th, 2011, 1:19
by friznit
It's amazing how the indie market is churning out some very cool stuff at the moment, many of which I'm enjoying way more than mainstream titles - Minecrack, Star Ruler, Dorf Fortress, Evochron Mercenary, Aurora...all great games following a "cash for beta" model (come to think of it, kinda like the mainstream market except they actually admit it and give you a discount) that seems to be very successful. A fresh offering that looks interesting is Starfarer - sort of a hybrid RPGish sandbox RTS spaceship strategy game.

And like many of these, the devs are very chatty on the forums, which makes you want to support them (I think the main following for this is on the Dorf Fortress Bay12 forums)

Posted: April 30th, 2011, 7:31
by Dog Pants
Sounds promising, but I can't see a lot of information to make me want to part with my cash.

Posted: April 30th, 2011, 11:04
by Thompy
Might keep an eye on it. I'd rather one that focused on exploration/trading foremost before combat though. It reminds me of my longing for a new Escape Velocity game, or an MMO in that style.

Posted: April 30th, 2011, 18:32
by shot2bits
looks like it could be interesting, i shall keep an eye on this.

partly because i like the website/developers name