Testostacular! Battlefield 3 In-Game Footage
So! You've read our Jim's sparkling words regarding the GDC Battlefield 3 presentation. Would you like to watch some of the in-game footage that he did, using your eyes? You would?! OK!
Author: Quintin Smith Category: RockPaperShotgun Battlefield-3 Dice Electronic-Arts Publish Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2011 10:00:47 +0000
That, singleplayer schmingleplayer. I can get any number of special ops do badass fighting against lots of grunty bad guys games, MP is where this is game will make it or break it.
Yep, MP is what I buy my BEEFs for. A decent SP campaign is a bonus, but I'd rather thay spent the time and effort on improving MP or releasing earlier. BEEF != COD.
Is BaCon different people to BeeF now? I thought BaCon was supposed to be the more arcadey experience with an SP campaign to contrast from BeeF's MP-only style.
As it turned out, BaCon's SP was forgettable arse, yet it delivered a very nice MP experience, more immediate than BeeF's and in my view the better for it.
Actually, I'm somewhat interesed in SP, purely because I'm hoping they'll have worked the improved destruction systems into the level and story design. Might make for an interesting SP experience and open up some slightly more unscripted events.