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CoD4 MW Server Timeout

Posted: February 12th, 2011, 16:36
by No1Jew
I decided to turn back time a few years and play the first CoD MW again as I still had my save game tucked away.

I have a genuine copy, installed all the patches upto 1.7 and also installed PB.

Started the Game, profile loaded, Join server but it will not connect. Every Server I've tried, just Keeps timing out.

Never had this problem before. Has anyone had this problem before and what was the remedy?


Posted: February 12th, 2011, 16:59
by Stoat
Could be ports, but I don't remember ever having an issue with CoD4.

If I remember correctly, pressing the console key twice should show the full console. There could be some useful error messages in there.

Posted: February 12th, 2011, 17:41
by No1Jew

It seems that my old proflle remembered some old servers that don't exist any more, hence No Connection !!!

Refreshed Server List and gues what...?

:lol: :rectum: