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Hey Y'all
Posted: January 4th, 2011, 22:22
by Imperatore
After nearly a year I will have a PC this Thursday and I'm giddy with excitement. Look forward to trying Minecraft and dabbling in Eve. Will also be finishing ME before moving on to 2 and Civ V is also a must.
You may remember me asking about various components a few months back, but in the end I got a Pre built system which I feel is more than adequate for my needs.
I look forward to spending some time ingame with you again.
Over and out
Posted: January 4th, 2011, 22:32
by Roman Totale
Mass Effect is rather good, and I had far too many late nights thanks to Civ V. Just one more turn...
Posted: January 4th, 2011, 22:40
by Stoat
Good timing- when you're done catching up last year's batch this year's releases should be rolling out

Posted: January 17th, 2011, 12:27
by Imperatore
Right, I need some strategy games. Well, I think they're called 4x, mostly space ones. I hear good things about GalCiv II so can anyone confirm or deny the uberness of this?
I got Civ V which despite a lot of flack from Civ die hards should be adequate for a casual like moi.
I'm not interested in pure combat ala Total War but I do like buildy types and have heard about Anno 1404 being such.
Posted: January 17th, 2011, 12:44
by Grimmie
Anno 1404 is great for a slow paced buildy. It's real-time, but doesn't feel as such.
It's also crazy-pretty and will make your graphics card weep.
Bonus, it's on steam at the moment bundled with the Venice expansion, which adds stuff and multiplayer.
Posted: January 17th, 2011, 13:10
by Imperatore
Sounds great and yes the screenshots looked amazing. I can get it cheaper on CD though + I have 2mb broadband so I don't fancy the 6gb+ download.
I remember a game called Pharoh that I loved. It took a looooong time to build a pyramid on there but was so much fun.
Posted: January 17th, 2011, 19:35
by friznit
Total War's not pure combat by any stretch. Napoleon: TW actually has a fairly sophisticad strategy layer. But I suppose in comparison to traditional 4X it may feel less strategy oriented. I recommend the Europe in Conflict Mod - makes it more strategic and less grindy through them with mass armies.
GalCiv 2 was great, if a little long in the tooth now. Consider Sword of the Stars as a more recent space 4X in a similar vein.
Civ5 is fantastic. The fanatics just fear change but once they've played it a few times they'll never go back to Civ3/4.
Victoria 2 and Hearts of Iron 2 if you're after serious bizniz strategy in the vein of Europa Universalis series. Viccy 2 is more accessible but you can transfer the end game saves into HoI2 to carry on through WW2, which is a nice touch. Good fun coop or MP as well (if you don't have a job).
Mount & Blade: Warband is something a little different. Cross between RPG, RTS and strategy game. Inexplicably it's kept me hooked for more hours than is healthy (some good mods here too).
Lionheart or King Arthur for more RTS/Strat hybrid. I prefer the Total War series for this kind of thing though.
Star Ruler is an indie space 4X indev, which is well worth a look.
Aurora is another space 4X that is reminiscent of Dwarf Fortress in space - i.e. fiendishly complex and batshit lurning curve, no graphics to speak of but very rewarding when you work it out.
Dwarf Fortress - don't go there if you want to retain a semblance of life. It's worse than OTTD.
Posted: January 17th, 2011, 19:44
by Imperatore
A comprehensive list there many thanks. SoTS was actually on my hitlist so I'll move her higher up the chain.
I also like the sound of Aurora for something a bit different but I'll inevitably end up checking out all your suggestions.
Posted: January 17th, 2011, 19:56
by Roman Totale
Grimmie wrote:Anno 1404 is great for a slow paced buildy.
I always like the building more than I like combat - I may investigate this.
Posted: January 17th, 2011, 20:14
by Dog Pants
friznit wrote:Dwarf Fortress - don't go there if you want to retain a semblance of life. It's worse than OTTD.
Oh god, DF. If you can get over the graphics (you'll probably never fully get over the interface) it's one of the best games ever.
Posted: January 17th, 2011, 21:48
by shot2bits
Dog Pants wrote:
Oh god, DF. If you can get over the graphics (you'll probably never fully get over the interface) it's one of the best games ever.
This very much so
I played the latest build recently and it seems some of the features we where having trouble with before have been a bit more polished, i managed to get a proper military set up and survive the goblin invasions without much trouble.
I also managed to get pretty much all the industries set up and working and some magma forges fairly quickly due to a lack of fuels in the area, infact it was going too well and i eventually set up the special naked hammer brigade to help control the population as 100+ dwarfs hurts my brain even with therapist
The adventure mode has pretty much had a complete overhual and is now fairly simple to get into with a wiki open
Posted: January 17th, 2011, 21:51
by Roman Totale
Posted: January 17th, 2011, 21:58
by buzzmong
Posted: January 19th, 2011, 21:48
by FatherJack
Sins of a Solar Empire is a space game and what I understand is called 4X. It's RTS rather than turn-based, though does involve a lot of fighting.
Posted: January 20th, 2011, 10:21
by Imperatore
Aye, combat doesn't bother me as long as I can micro manage some stuff to go with it. On an unrelated note, saw on Steam some dungeon game (may have been called Dungeon...) looked pretty epic.
Posted: January 20th, 2011, 10:32
by Joose
Imperatore wrote:On an unrelated note, saw on Steam some dungeon game (may have been called Dungeon...) looked pretty epic.
Aye, according to PCG it is basically Dungeon Keeper 3 in all but name.
I am hugely excited.

Posted: January 20th, 2011, 11:39
by friznit
Dungeon Dev wrote:Sorry, but Dungeons will be Dungeons and Dungeon Keeper will be Dungeon Keeper.
A total rip-off would
a) be total boring for us to make
b) possibly cause legal action if we use essential creatures like Horny
c) never satisfy the fans, because they'd expect much more than a graphics update
Posted: January 20th, 2011, 12:02
by Joose
On the other hand, you are the Keeper of a Dungeon, fending off heroes with nasty demons and traps, sending minions out to mine corridors and rooms, and you have to defend your Dungeon heart. It might not be a "total rip off", but its still close enough to keep the interest of a Dungeon Keeper fan

Posted: January 20th, 2011, 13:05
by Imperatore
It looks purdy and I never played Dungeon Keeper so it will be new to me.
Posted: January 21st, 2011, 6:42
by Baliame
Imperatore wrote:I never played Dungeon Keeper