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Mech Warrior Living Legends

Posted: December 29th, 2010, 11:00
by friznit
No idea about this myself, but I'm sure there's a few mech nuts around. Spotted this little corelation on the interwebs:

Beta 0.4.0 out today


Cheap Crysis

Posted: December 29th, 2010, 11:42
by Dog Pants
Hah, nice spot Friz!

Posted: December 29th, 2010, 12:36
by Pnut
Posted something about this at the beginning of the year but forgot about it. I think KV tried it, and with Cyrsis going that cheaply think i might give it a go now.

Posted: December 30th, 2010, 20:33
by Killavodka
Tis good, haven't given it a go for a while but it was a fresh release and very buggy back then

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 19:56
by Pnut
Apparently everyone is playing the Crysis wars version now, so it was completely pointless me spending a fiver to get Cyrsis when I already had wars :shakefist:

(Fiver = 2 and a half pints :( )

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 20:01
by Mr. Johnson
And at least a 1000 cans of strongbow!

Posted: January 11th, 2011, 23:19
by Pnut
Mr. Johnson wrote:And at least a 1000 cans of strongbow!
I wish mate!
Anyway had a fair few goes on this and am quite enjoying it. The learning curve is pretty much vertical if I'm honest, but if you get someone willing to help you out you can get the basics fairly quick (or you could just play one of the other MW games, will prob help a lot). Seems there is a lot of verity with the mechs and tanks, although a lot of it is just different weapon loads. Knowing the Mech Warrior universe will be a big plus as the weapon load outs don't come with any descriptions and your pretty much left to work it out for yourself i.e knowing what a LBL is or a RCA2. Doesn't seem to be a lot of different game types so far, the main ones being a capture and hold points and a arena type game, there is a couple more that but I am yet to play them. Im probably going to be playing this for a while so if any of you robo types fancy it give me a shout.

Edit: just found this- ... =Main_Page wish I`d seen it before I started playing :spang:

Posted: January 12th, 2011, 9:20
by friznit
If they made a coop campaign out of this I'd be interested. The idea of a DM map full of MW geeks and LRM campers fills me with dread.

Posted: January 12th, 2011, 17:38
by Dog Pants
friznit wrote:If they made a coop campaign out of this I'd be interested. The idea of a DM map full of MW geeks and LRM campers fills me with dread.

Although it's a kind of dread that still has me curious, such is my hardon for big stompy robots.

Posted: January 14th, 2011, 1:14
by Killavodka
Reinstalling this now, should be ready for a game tomorrow if any of you are interested.

Posted: January 17th, 2011, 17:44
by Killavodka

Made me lol.

Posted: January 17th, 2011, 18:34
by HereComesPete
I have become obsessed with this bloody game. It's like tanks, but you can stomp around and fly around too.

Posted: March 20th, 2011, 19:32
by Anhamgrimmar
HereComesPete wrote:I have become obsessed with this bloody game. It's like tanks, but you can stomp around and fly around too.
Just installed this to have a squint yesterday. i REALLY like the fact you can bomb round being a ninja c4 dropping spastic, and ruin peoples day.

Land ontop of a mech in your battlearmour, and you kind of 'stick' to their mech. And then you proceed to paint thier cockpit in C4 and jetpack away, giggling like a tard.

(now if only i could get my GFX card to run crysis wars in something other than 800x600 blocky vision without overheating. Stupid x1950 Pro)

Re: Mech Warrior Living Legends

Posted: August 6th, 2011, 8:35
by Dog Pants
I played this last night with Pnut, and despite not getting a single kill I rather enjoyed it. It's not easy to pick up, but it really feels like Mechwarrior. Mechs are beautifully modeled and handle like huge stompy robots. You also get to hang about in various tanks or planes, or just your power armour if you fancy a long walk. The community are pretty cool, dropping spare cash on lower ranking players so they can catch up, and making attempts at teamwork (dicking enemies for LRMs or grabbing an APC to get guys in powersuits to the front line to do the same). All in all, worth playing. I think the only reason I've not played this until now is that I expected to be disappointed like I have with pretty much every other Mechwarrior game. I'm happy to say I wasn't.

This video seems kind of representative of what I played (although not being in a heavy mech mine involved much more frantic death)


Re: Mech Warrior Living Legends

Posted: October 4th, 2011, 23:21
by TheJockGit
BUMP!! Crysis on offer for £3 on Steam...

EDIT!!! Noticed its changed to Crysis Wars for the mod... Ignore this BUMP, nothing to see here, move along....

Re: Mech Warrior Living Legends

Posted: June 2nd, 2012, 11:02
by Dog Pants
I keep having the odd game of this and then getting distracted again for months, but it's bloody good (if you like the old Mechwarrior games). It's hard as nails, but then that just feels in keeping with the setting, and the 'experience' (read: graphics and sound) are spot on. So I'm going to try to have another crack at it tonight, hopefully with 5punkers. It runs off Crysis Wars (the multiplayer component of Crysis Warhead), which is £16 on Steam.


Re: Mech Warrior Living Legends

Posted: June 2nd, 2012, 11:06
by Pnut
I'll be about for a game tonight. Hopefully if we can get a few of us on, it will help curb my instincts for charging off and getting myself blown up (which I tend to do a lot of).

Edit. Good link for weapon and equipment descriptions:

Re: Mech Warrior Living Legends

Posted: June 2nd, 2012, 18:41
by HereComesPete
:wave: I will be stomping.

Re: Mech Warrior Living Legends

Posted: June 7th, 2012, 2:02
by Anery

Re: Mech Warrior Living Legends

Posted: January 16th, 2013, 18:48
by Pnut