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html with forms, that can then be sent via internal e-mail
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 9:56
by Woo Elephant Yeah
All, if anybody knows how to create a html page that has about 5 simple forms for text entry, and then somehow send that info to several different e-mails via hitting one button, I would be most grateful.
Basically this is a form for when people receive threatening or terrorist threats, so thr user would input data into several different fields, and then once happy, just hit a button on the page, and this then sends to a list of e-mails either within the html or possibly an address group in Exchange.
We use IIS and Microsoft Exchange, so all e-mails are Outlook based.
I think the forms side of it is pretty easy, but I haven't a clue how to make the forms then send data to an internal e-mail address.
Do I point the mails to the internal mailsweeper relay, or directly to the exchange server itself?
This has all arisen as it was originally coded in Perl many many years ago, and the server is now being decommisioned, and this si the only thing it hosts.
I'll gladly donate tonnes of 5perm for any help with this.
Also worth noting I have Dreamweaver 8 as my web design app', and this has lots of stuff built in, so possibly I could use that if I knew where to look.
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 10:07
by spoodie
I done this when I first started using the Internet years ago but that was on a *nix based system with Apache and Sendmail. Use a proper webserver?
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 10:17
by MIkkyo
I've got no idea about forms in html, sorry mate. But I could write you up a lovely wee program that prints "Hello World" to screen if you'd like.
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 10:18
by Dr. kitteny berk
MIkkyo wrote:I've got no idea about forms in html, sorry mate. But I could right you up a lovely wee program that prints "Hello World" to screen if you'd like.
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 11:09
by FatherJack
Code: Select all
<form ACTION="" METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="text/plain">
<p><input NAME="Text entry field name" VALUE="Visible entry field title" size="20">Visible text that is inside field by default</p>
<p><input TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Visible text on Submit button"></p>
If you want it to go to multiple recipients, create a mailing list and put that as the email address.
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 11:31
by Woo Elephant Yeah
Thanks Fatherjack, you are a legend.
That should get me started, allthough I need several of those data collector forms, that sends a mail with just one click of the button but I'm sure I'll be able to work it out.
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 12:56
by Wiggy
[quote="FatherJack"]Some funky codey shit[quote]
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 14:38
by Woo Elephant Yeah
Code: Select all
*should be a left arrow*form ACTION="" METHOD="post" ENCTYPE="text/plain">
<p>The details of the threat. or if a bomb, the location of the device:<br>
<p>Any times set for action/detonation:<br>
<p>The appearance and size of any device, or other object being used (eg contaminant):<br>
<p>The type of explosive/contaminant if appropriate:<br>
<p>Why is the threat being made:<br>
<p>The name and address of the caller, if obtainable or other identifying information:<br>
<p>The sex of the caller:<br>
<p>Estimated age of caller:<br>
<p>Record details of any accent, speech impediment?<br>
<p>Did the message sound like it was being read from a script?<br>
<p>Was the mood of the caller calm, agitated etc?<br>
<p>Was there any significant background noise?<br>
<p>Time of Call:<br>
<p>Please give your name:<br>
<strong>Try to read message back to caller before finishing.</strong></p>
Now all I need to do is work out how to stop that annoying warning message you get from I.E. saying you are about to send an e-mail
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 14:44
by Stoat
<br />
<input />
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 14:47
by Woo Elephant Yeah
Stoat wrote:<standards>
You might as well be speaking to me in Japanese there mate, what does that do?
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 14:56
by Stoat
But br and input- like img- don't have a terminating tag and so should have a slash at the end.
It's html pedantry, essentially.
The actual contents of the form worries my slightly.
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 14:59
by Dr. kitteny berk
Stoat wrote:The actual contents of the form worries my slightly.
how does it feel to have a worried slightly?
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 15:00
by Woo Elephant Yeah
Ah okay, thanks, but nobody will give a shit so I'll leave it as is.
Stoat wrote:The actual contents of the form worries my slightly.
Z0mG Someone set us up teh BOMB!
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 15:00
by Stoat
A bit disturbing. But only a little.
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 15:16
by ProfHawking
is this thing hosted where?
cant you use php?
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 15:24
by Fear
ProfHawking wrote:cant you use php?
Or ASP / ASP.Net / CGI(perl)
Basically you need a language other than HTML else IE will always give you that sending email warning. It also wont actually send the email until you open your email client and do a send and receive. You really want the server to send the email - not the client.
For HTML 4 you shouldn't use the closing "/>" - XHTML you should. Depends what doc type it is going into.
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 16:32
by Woo Elephant Yeah
Only got IIS currently set up here at work, none of our live servers use PHP or CGI (Perl).
As for Asp, not sure about that, or what technology you need to drive it.
You are right though, it's a better idea to send from the server and not the client, and this is my main concern.
How easy is it to set up ASP, as that technology is used on something else that is due to be decommisioned and it might be handy to go down that route.
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 16:40
by Dr. kitteny berk
asp is pretty easy to setup, especially on IIS (as both are microsoft's babies)
ISTR is a tad shiner, but only for 2k3. otherwise you just get asp.
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 16:58
by fabyak
Woo Elephant Yeah wrote:
Z0mG Someone set up us teh BOMB!
/meme nazi
Posted: January 12th, 2007, 17:01
by Woo Elephant Yeah
fabyak wrote:/meme nazi
Now that's just plain weird