Steam Mega-Wonga-Ultro-Sale
Posted: November 25th, 2010, 8:00
Steam Mega-Wonga-Ultro-Sale
It started just a minute ago, and will be updating throughout the week with various mega-wonga-ultro-offers. Also, 30 dudes/dudettes/dude-miscs will be awarded the top 5 games on their wishlists every day, so you should totally load that thing up with the most expensive games you can find. There're even bigger discounts, if you're prepared to [...]
Author: Alec Meer
Category: RockPaperShotgun sale Steam The RPS Bargain Bucket
Publish Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 19:43:12 +0000
It started just a minute ago, and will be updating throughout the week with various mega-wonga-ultro-offers. Also, 30 dudes/dudettes/dude-miscs will be awarded the top 5 games on their wishlists every day, so you should totally load that thing up with the most expensive games you can find.
There're even bigger discounts, if you're prepared to collaborate with your fellow human beans.
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Source: Rock, Paper, Shotgun
It started just a minute ago, and will be updating throughout the week with various mega-wonga-ultro-offers. Also, 30 dudes/dudettes/dude-miscs will be awarded the top 5 games on their wishlists every day, so you should totally load that thing up with the most expensive games you can find. There're even bigger discounts, if you're prepared to [...]
Author: Alec Meer
Category: RockPaperShotgun sale Steam The RPS Bargain Bucket
Publish Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 19:43:12 +0000
It started just a minute ago, and will be updating throughout the week with various mega-wonga-ultro-offers. Also, 30 dudes/dudettes/dude-miscs will be awarded the top 5 games on their wishlists every day, so you should totally load that thing up with the most expensive games you can find.
There're even bigger discounts, if you're prepared to collaborate with your fellow human beans.
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Source: Rock, Paper, Shotgun